
It does suck that Andromeda was never given another shot. It was my introduction to the series and I thought it was a decent game overall. I even liked the story enough that I went hunting for and read the tie-in novels. It does make me sad that we may never know the rest of the story.

Yeah. Sometimes it’s good to wait for a little to get the latest launch. I’m going to be getting the game as a Christmas gift for myself. In the meantime I’ll be playing Pokemon.

The costumes were so horrible that they came around the other side and became hilarious. Example: those CRABS.

Pets dying is one of the only things that instantly make me break out in tears.

There are still some milestones that don’t require children, like buying your first house. Or like you said, you can make up your own.



Honestly, the only things I want from this game are NPCs (which are “coming” in an update. I don’t exactly trust that it’s going to be implemented right) and the ability to turn other people off.

Once you are committed against your will, you will never look at medical professionals the same way again. Especially if you just had the misfortune of answering the suicide screening questions the wrong way.

It just bothers me because we have so much. We have so much land that is unpopulated. We have so much food that when we throw it away we don’t think twice. We build home after home after home and so many houses are unused.

That is the face of a pup who can get away with anything.

Goldendoodle is just a more fun word to say.

So the code has just somehow become sentient and has been changing code?

Hear, hear!

I really wish that I could say something to make you feel at least a little better, but I don’t think you want platitudes.

Being trans is hard. Being a woman is hard. Being a PoC is hard. Being a PoC trans woman? Man, you’ve got to be the strongest of the bunch.

It’s a really hard time to be trans right now. More people

The owner just built a little test wall out of cardboard. No cats were harmed in the making of the video. In the longer video, you can see that they come through volunitarily (probably lured by treats).

I saw the picture and was like “That’s Maru!”

The people on Nextdoor near me are absolutely convinced that there are homeless people sleeping on mattresses living in the woods. We don’t know where the obvious signs of human habitation go in the daytime, but they are sleeping there in the night.

I feel you. People are so weight-obsessed that it’s gross. So many people also said they were envious of me, but in reality I just wanted to curl up into a ball and die.

“Did you lose weight? You look so good!”

TomatoFace is oddly dedicated to his causes, whatever they are.