
Wow, that is a fucking low move. I know that I wouldn’t be able to afford outside insurance if I was only working part-time. All of my earnings would have to go to insurance premiums.

I gave you a star, but I really have to commend you for that list of tracks. Bravo on that one.

People have been editing clouds into photographs since the beginning of photography, so this is kind of a nothing controversy in my opinion. The only crime is that she kept using the same formations!

Some people never lose their idiocy. Example: I just eyed the bottle of hydrogen peroxide sitting on my dresser and wondered “Huh. What does it taste like?”

I’m still a little bothered by how the game took some steps forward (multitasking, easy CAS) and then didn’t provide in key areas. Pools and toddlers had to be patched in, ffs.

It’s been how many years and I’m still bitter about that.

I’m glad you’re okay. I’d rather look a little foolish than let an opportunity to help someone else go by.

It sounds like you’re in a rough place right now.

I swear, if and when the world goes to shit, the ones who will bring us out of it will be the cosplayers. What ingenuity!

I can’t help but laugh at how she just floats on forward. I think it’s because I’d be terrified otherwise.

I actually had to look at up and that disorder sounds horrible and seems like it’d put a real damper on everything.

.People can be so nosy when you try to explain to them what you can or can’t do!

That sounds almost exactly like what’s happened to me. I lost a lot of weight from eating next to nothing. At one point, the only thing I’d eat all day would be 1 bowlful of Rice Chex.

One gets over it by eating food.

Basically, it’s exposure therapy for me. I try a little bit of new food and see that nothing bad happens to me. At the next exposure, I eat some more of the new food, until can eat a normal serving of the food.

All the while being mentally somewhere between “Oh, this is nothing!” to “I’M

Thank you! I’m getting there.

I have emetophobia, too! The two seem to travel in pairs. I’m sorry you’ve had to deal with these things as well.

Thank you. That sounds like it might help me. It’s a lot easier to deal with things on the days where I feel physically well, so there’s some connection there that I can use to my advantage.

I’ve been putting off exercise since I’m from Florida and it’s as hot as the surface of the sun where I live. Thankfully,

No problem!

I actually only found out it has a name a few weeks ago and I sat there and sobbed for a few minutes because I finally found that my struggle has a name.

If it has a name, then other people have it, then there are treatments for it!

I feel that! From what I know it’s pretty common and a built-in safety feature. The two are associated together in your mind.

I still use Tumblr and this is a pretty big problem over there. I have friends who actually don’t use any kind of social media because they’re so paranoid about saying or doing something “wrong” and having a horde of people send them death threats or risk being doxxed.