I’m going to be seeking a tubal ligation, as well. I am not someone who should ever be pregnant. My mind is barely holding its own as it is and I don’t need a bunch of hormones to come and push me off the edge.
I’m going to be seeking a tubal ligation, as well. I am not someone who should ever be pregnant. My mind is barely holding its own as it is and I don’t need a bunch of hormones to come and push me off the edge.
Seriously? Suicide isn’t deemed as an acceptable reason?
Do you have moments where you are painfully aware of the fact that you don’t have a penis? What about moments where your breasts bring so much anxiety and anger because they exist?
No problem! Glad to make your day a little better.
This is the only thing that I can think of when I see the words “motion sensor trash cans.”
I hope that you’re wrong, but know that you’re right.
That’d be pretty badass if it happened. The savior of our world is a little, humble Slavic egg.
There is something to be said about having something unconditionally love you.
Yeah, if I were to add cannabis, it’d be an either/or situation.
That would explain why my friends said that I acted like I was slightly buzzed when I first started taking it.
It certainly would have been nice to know how addictive they are before I was prescribed them.
Honestly, I’d love to give it another go, but I’m not entirely sure how the cannabis would affect me because I take two types of anti-depressants.
That’s because fountain pens are awesome.
What the hell is up with some of y’all?
Honestly, if it’s not a multiplayer game, who gives a fuck if someone puts their own game on easy mode? It’s not taking anything away from you. If you can turn up the difficulty as you please, why make a big stink about how other people enjoy the game?
It’s even worse when you realize it’s her mother that is filming this!
What’s going on with that poor girl is really creepy from all angles. The “sassy police” incident just cemented it.
I didn’t realize the Scouts were so hardcore.
Nah. They said it with sincerity and know where I stand on things. Plus I have some mental stuff that would not play well with kids.