
Right? I’m just envious that a vasectomy is a hell of a lot cheaper and less invasive than a tubal ligation.

I... Well, at least my parents didn’t do any of the creative spellings for Kaitlin except for the K. She would have had just as hard of a time finding any name merchandise (like the name keychains and stuff) because the more popular spellings are “Kaitlyn” or “Katelyn.”

Housekeeping is a hard and often thankless job. I mean, you can say “But it’s their job!” until the cows come home. This is just a way to go that extra mile for someone.

It could’ve been worse: No one got their eye shot out.

As someone also on disability, I feel for your fiance. The government is continually checking me. They want new information at least once every few months. Just to make sure that I’m disabled.

I fully approve of FARTs as the new acronym.

The ones who are getting paid.

Anger, in general, is seen as ugly or repulsive for kids. When I was a kid, it was “Good little girls are not angry. Good little girls don’t scream and shout. Good little girls are quiet and polite.”

feel for you. I’ve had issues with fluid retention in my legs and it’s surprising what you have to take into account.

Because then it makes you not special.

Good luck with your pregnancy! I hope that everything goes better for you.

My biggest problem at hospitals is getting my normal medications. Like, I once went a day without my seizure medication because I couldn’t jump through the hoops fast enough to get a doctor to approve it before they went home at the end of the day.

Honestly? People cope with this by pretending that they will never have an injury or any kind of medical condition.

Thankfully, my dad knows how to find the right people to get through to. That was going to be my case several months in a row for an antidepressant before he helped me wrangle some people to help expedite the processes by a few days.


As someone on Medicaid in Florida, pretty much.

I’ve switched from United and still have to verify one of my medications (Anafranil, for those interested) once every few months.

How sad is it that my reaction to this was “Yeah, that sounds about right for United Healthcare.” It is like pulling teeth to get them to pay for anything. I had to get several MRIs a few years ago and I had to get put in the hospital for a week just to get a 20-minute test.

Neat! Thank you!

Do you have a link to the article by any chance? The “mommy juice” culture that we have built up in the US (and other English-speaking regions, apparently) is both fascinating and disturbing to me.