
What did I just attempt to read and why is he being published by the NYT?

Six months of federal prison time for misdemeanors?

Ah, geeze, you’re right. Thank you.

We had to put our dog, Doodle-Bug, down today. He was just old and sick and there was nothing we could’ve done for him. We had him for 18 years and I don’t know what I’m going to do without him. He’d been with me since I was 8 and was the first dog I ever owned.

I graduated from a Catholic high school in 2011 and this kids reminds me so strongly of the little shits in my class who’d make provocative sexual comments at one of the girls in my class who moved here from Columbia.

I certainly wouldn’t have known and I’ve done a lot of photographic work. The detail shots like the one of an up close on her face aren’t 110% there (though it’s almost there. Like 94% of the way there).

As evidenced by a lot of comments on this article.

It looks like the Daily Beast article was updated and that he is going to be fitted with a new prosthetic arm.

Oh, I see! I can see why that’d happen with the denominations.

Thanks for the article! I’ve been looking for a direction for this particular topic.

Wait, what?

I got hit on my bike at a stop light when I stopped to get off my bike to go across the crosswalk. This was like circa 2014?

I hope that they are convicted and are registered as sex offenders.

I think if we can get people to turn out like last November, we can tip the scales with the help of these people who can now vote. It was so tantalizingly close.

Technically, Reddit and even this counts as social media, but I think it’s a little bit older of a form.

I thought I heard every good Trump analogy already, but apparently not. I’ll have to remember to tell this one to my mom, who absolutely loathes Trump.

I’ve only seen an Irish Wolfhound once and when they say they’re big dogs, they’re BIG dogs. She looks like she could take up that couch all by herself.

This is a great take on the issue.

This isn’t the worst handwriting I’ve ever seen. It would actually be readable if it hadn’t been written with a marker on paper that bleeds.