
If by “convenience store items” you mean soda, candy, jerky, chips etc. hasn’t like every single grocery store in America had this by the register for decades?

Do all of the other EV makers have more substantial practices in place that prevent their cobalt coming from child/forced labor? Or perhaps is Tesla fairly comparable to all the other EV makers and we’ve got to hit our quota of Tesla articles for the day?

I think one of the most alarming aspects is how this psycho can make any claim he wants and his followers just gobble it up with 100% confidence that he means it and can achieve what he says.

Any conversations that starts with “Does Donald Trump think that...” is a scary dangerous rabbit hole

Since when has VW ever shown any aversion to churning out very similar vehicles under different brands at the same time? Almost every volkswagen vehicle across all of its brands has some “twin” residing in another brand.

In B4 the pedantic Boomer’s start shouting “tHe MUsTaNG iS a pONy CAr NoT a muScLE cAr”

Among the other athletes other commenters have listed. John Elway has been quite the successful dealership owner twice over.

+1, stationary really throws it off. The other day I let my jeep idle to get the inside cooled down while I was loading some gear. Weather app said temp was 85, car thermometer said 102

If the car is running and dies, you’re 100% correct a jump isn’t going to help.

This seems to be a rare case of someone actually just trying to use the legal system as a means to get reasonable compensation to make themselves whole.

The choice to spell out the number of minutes but use numerals for the number of seconds is driving me crazy, just feels wrong.

50 or 100 years from now, these pictures are going to be so baffling to the new generation that only knows EV’s. Like imagine if all you are used to seeing as the powerplant is 1-4 nice simple looking cylindrical electrical motor with some wires and maybe a bit of cooling, and then you a picture of a 1980's diesel

Good god, on the normal CT, you can kind of see how all of the body panels that are supposed to be flat planes actual have some waves and curvature to them. But holy lord is that magnified even more by this polished version.

From a global standpoint, totally agree I don’t see it as a big problem if the earth has 7 billion people instead of 8. The only places where it becomes an issue are some social systems that are a bit of a pyramid scheme.

Your reaction to this car tells me you are not a part of and do not understand the target market.

At least this one was more logical in its target and hurts the people actually contributing the the issue (even if they didn’t get the specific contributor they intended to target).

It’s funny to think that in the not too distant future “Gas powered 911" might inherit the same cache that “air cooled 911" has in the current car culture.

Just here to say I think I’m the only person who correctly read your comment as being in reference to the second event mentioned in this article about a plane on the ground nearly getting hit. In that case, I agree, 400 feet for a plane that’s probably taxiing a few miles per hours is still closer than I would like,

Jalopnik: Where literally dying in a fire isn’t considered enough of a karmic punishment to call it even and stop shitposting about a dead guy.