
I need SOLIDS.

Also, McCarthy is not an "autism activist." She's a "fix your unacceptable retard-child with bullshit fixes that won't 'cure' a thing and could very well lead to them dying of something like measles" activist. Subtle distinction.

I will never have an ounce of respect for Jenny McCarthy until she acknowledges all the incredible damage and suffering she's caused people by claiming that immunizations cause autism. Considering that the number of children who've died from preventable diseases, simply because of parents who don't want to vaccinate

"I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last."

My great grandmother passed away last August, but she lived to be 101, happy and healthy the whole time. She ate bacon every day (sometimes twice a day if she forgot the first time, her short term memory wasn't great). I swear she subsisted on bacon, red wine, chocolate cake, and cheese, all her favorite things, and

And your phone number is...

Okay, as much as I love beards, there's the fine line that men can walk with them. I.E. Beards are really only tres sexy if they're well maintained and aren't growing out of your face like a wilde critter.

I use olay regenerist line or jason c organics, my skin is a little oily and I have occasional breakouts. Both these work well and are recommended by Paula Begoun-the cosmetic cop.

I do not like being in the grey. How the hell can I become one of the blessed who doesn't need to be approved? I've been hangin' around since 2009 (though I did use a new handle at one point).

I do not like being in the grey. How the hell can I become one of the blessed who doesn't need to be approved? I've been hangin' around since 2009 (though I did use a new handle at one point).

Not to mention the claims of eliminating toxins are specious at best. Know what's great at ridding your body of toxins? Your liver. Lay off the alcohol and grapefruit for a bit and let it do its thing. Also, eating lots of fiber means the fiber will actually catch carcinogens on its way through your digestive tract.

People enthusiastically talking about their juice fasts awakens in me a glazing over of the eyes.

Anybody who says the word "toxin" seriously, is someone you should not be taking seriously.

The clay does not work. the only way to treat heavy metal poisoning is chelation therapy with EDTA or dimercaprol. and The therapy can be quite dangerous, and it only works for metals still in your blood, it does not affect the metals that already entered the fat or bones

This gives me real hope for the marketing potential of "BRIMSG's Whiskey Wash Out". Basically it is a "juice" diet where you drink all the Whiskey and then when the pizza guy comes at 11 p.m. with the supreme pizza with extra cheese and sausage you drunk dialed them for, you just pass out on the box as soon as you put

Over five years ago I went through a period of having "orthorexia" which is a eating disorder where a perceived notion of "healthy" eating become so extreme that it interferes with your quality of life and social life.

For a start, people who rave about diets are tedious.

If by fibre you mean cellulose, then no, it does not matter what size you chop it into, considering is passing through your digestive tract unchanged anyways, and it is not as if a regular blender blade is going to the strip things down to the molecular level.

Besides, everyone knows it's easier to eat nothing than drink juice. If you give your tastebuds/stomach something, it just wants more. If you have nothing, you're less likely to crave something. ANOREXIA 101

Can we just go with all cleanses are bullshit?