k2b: da man stole mah bloggy!!!!!!!

Millennial men are trumphumpers in progressive outfits. Mark my words.

Now playing

Oh, nonsense. The booths are not separate rooms. And if both the President and his son can hover over their wives while they vote, so can husbands in red states. I never said they were “hypnotized”. I said that some women may be bullied into submission. And while I agree on calling out certain people, there are hoards

So do I, buy you know it’s not going to happen. Never. Even Nixon had enough of an instinct for self-preservation to step down when it got to that point. Trump won’t. He’ll fuck that horse to death, then he’ll beat it into the ground. And as for the almost impossible chance of impeachment/conviction, he’ll most

I’m betting tertiary syphilis.

From the most cynical, most woke 6 year old soldier in the War on Christmas.

And Paul Ryan gets hit by a bus, followed by a semi, followed by a marching band, followed by a bulldozer.

On kid’s 7th birthday..

I love the little skeptic!

For me, the greatest part was finding out that the “trouble” is his brother. I felt the same way about mine.

I can see the kernel of nihilism blossoming in his heart!

My mom had a stroke a few years ago that paralyzed one side of her body. It’s been a long tough road for her to get any semblance of mobility back in her leg and hand.

“Stroke” wins the popular vote, but the electoral is going to “Willfully ignoring the onset of dementia.” It’s been the favorite ever since the Reagan era.

He snorffed and slurred his way through the debates last year too.

If I didn’t know it would spark a flurry of batshit conspiracy theories, accusations of Obama and Hillary killing him and/or death threats and attempts on the lives of a bunch of innocent people (some successful), I’d vote for stroke too.

If you mean cheering one on, I’m in.

Voting for everything Trump wants and refusing to hold him accountable is “telling it like it is?”