
Indeed. let us all remember that at some point in their family "history", some progenitor just made up the whole "we're royal" thing. Just because it is an old lie, doesn't make it any less a lie. (P.S. - I am a "Duke"... tee hee)

All these tools are slow-playing their entry, because they all know - the front-runner 18 months out, is not the front-runner 2 weeks before election day.

After all the rumors of the Dornan/Johson enmity, it was funny to see what an entitled little brat DJ was to her Mom on the Oscars red carpet "Gah Moooom.. see my movie already..."

She's totally getting Mira Sorvino'd

Ugh.. "es ist sehr klar.. I'M A DJ!!!!!..." dub-step annoyance. Just let us hear the engine sing!

My Dad had one of those early Q45's. Silky smooth yet a proper brute when taunted. Once when my Mom was driving it on the highway she got pulled over "accidentally" doing 105 mph - and got away with a warning (OK, nice little suburban white lady, I believe you..). Loved that car & Pops wishes he still had it.

Now playing

Rearward facing seats would be much safer - from an impact perspective. We already use mirrors & cameras to see behind us, why not use them to see in front, while positioning ourselves for the greatest safety in a collision? (like a stuntman falling into an airbag - back first, with even support across the spine,

For that matter, as effective as the ICE has been, it is still an insanely crude idea - "hey, let's explode hydrocarbon liquids inside a metal box and harness the energy through a recovery piston." If super-advanced aliens landed today, they'd look at an ICE and shake their heads "yeah, OK, I guess it sort of works...

They've yet to come up with a compound for the load-bearing structure that is supple enough to replicate pneumatic tires, yet sturdy enough to put up with the heat/friction associated with highway speeds. If you closely read any article about these type tires, it'll tell you something like "limited to 20 minutes of

The funny thing with mirrors is how accustomed we train ourselves to be with reverse images. It's actually very unnatural, but as new drivers we learn how to instantly read & react to the mirror image(s). Eventually the self-driving 'bots will take care of all that, but in the interim maybe a HUD image "plan view" of

"The longer a technology has been used, the greater the likelihood it will continue to remain viable" or something like that - think of a hammer, 10's of thousands of years of use, still a very effective technology for many purposes. Until someone invents a windshield/windscreen that never gets wet, dirty, dusty,

Hendrick was, is and always will be a scumbag. For decades he became a billionaire car-dealer by bilking people through monopolistic-price-fixing via his iron-fisted control of an entire region's car dealership. He was convicted of racketeering in a Federal court- got super-lucky having to serve "house arrest" in his

Seems he wrongly lifted throttle after the slide began, then traction hooked-up, and he was cross-median bound at that point. Also didn't appear to counter-steer nearly enough. More counter-steer, and staying a bit on-throttle would've likely led to a saved slide. Regardless of any Monday-morning QB-ing, or his overly

Alcohol, cars, & alcohol+cars killed far more people today. Virtually anything - from a Bic pen, to a shovel or a hammer can be used (intentionally or accidentally) as a weapon and kill. It's quite probable that elsewhere in the US today, several toddlers put idling cars into gear and "drove" them (but didn't kill

Spiders, Mom! SPIDERS! Spiders in the PINEAPPLE!!!!!

It's in janky shape, but I see the vision and I give kudos to creative thinking. A beetle will go anywhere. I've seen them float through flooded intersections, driven them in 4x4-stopping snow conditions, and THROUGH the woods - through, not on a road or trail, through-through the woods, simply mowing down saplings,

Rush was a terrible disappointment. Just awful.

"go where he is, not where he's going (be cause he won't be there soon)" is what you're instructed to do about a vehicle spinning in front of you on a race track, but it was his first race, and I'd probably have done the same...

The "peerage" and all "royalty" are completely made up concepts (just like all religion...TL, another time...), so fuck these idiots and their belief that they are somehow special or worship-worthy because their ancestors stole everything & then cross-bred among each other to "keep it in the family"