
there are people in risk-groups which can benefit from getting a flu shot (a minority of the elderly & young) and then there are people who are not genuinely at-risk but get tricked into getting a flu shot only to continue to make the flu-vaccine industry show an annual increase in sales of their wares and vastly more

HAHAHA! mine was the SLX laden with shitty GM parts. I had 2 Trooper II’s which I loved (but should’ve kept the 4 cylinder with manual hubs, the GM v6 version with auto hubs was not worth the “upgrade” - lesson confirmed - GM produced crap for decades - 80s-90s and... and I’ve yet to see proof they don’t still... ex:

I had one of these, It was a gigantic turd. Had the engine block replaced under the original warranty. then that block cracked too & was replaced (with another used block, which I suspect would’ve cracked too - given the ever-present bearing knock AND knocking from the twisted/bent crankshafts - look it up, they have

And then he said “I’ll fire anyone who acts in a racist manner..” right? right?

reason #4,237 we should have flying cars (seriously, personal “drone” VTOL craft 1-2 passengers) and should destroy all the airlines. Dear Elon - stop with the silly hyperloop and give us small personal quad-copters — I live in “Metrowest” Boston area and already pay something in excess of $20 round-trip in tolls on

He’s just mad & confused for all those times he’s been attracted to a woman, only to find out she used to have a penis (larger than his, for sure) and yet, he’s still attracted to her. he is a simpleton <- we have to bring back the usage of this word, cuz it fits him so well

While never a naval seaman, I have been aboard recreational sailing vessels involved in collisions - multiple times - while racing. On every occasion these occur because both captains/helmsmen feel unerringly that they are the vessel with the right of way - “privileged” (rather than “burdened”). On every one of these

the 70-135 mph roll-on time of the Tahoe is abysmal. For instance, a mid-range sport bike could leave one driven by the state patrol standing in the dust when “accidentally” passing them at high speed...

scariest line “...that THE MASTERS OF WAR never saw...” Who the F&&K are the masters of war? and why? just why? (they’ve jokingly stolen a Dylan lyric?)

sofa king weird, but kudos on creativity & adaptiveness

Until I owned a BMW (lightly used, sensibly, less than a new Camry) I’d never had a soda randomly dumped onto the hood of my car

I saw a coupe which I swear is the same shade of green they used back in the 70's on the ATC 90 - love them both (in a bumpy cow pasture, such a trike is about as safe as a bucking bronco, surprised we survived some crazy spill on that thing - apparently lots of folks didn’t though... ok, dark turn, g’day)

I discovered that you can use a 1985 Mazda RX-7 as a substitute for a chainsaw, but you can only use it once for this purpose (I took down 3 trees myself...)

$40k for small urban econo car? from GM? not a chance

IIRC there was once a Gawker article to the title of “Never talk to the cops” written by a lawyer who was once a cop (? anyone)

he’s something along the lines of “a vegetable.” He’s not mentally at all the same person (don’t wear go-pros on your helmet...)

IIRC that at their heart, a Tesla battery is really large bundles of what are essentially “AAA” size batteries -[ save(d/s) on development & retooling-> the factories were already built to create stable battery cores of that size - “It ain’t broke” they didn’t “fix” it ]- So would these also essentially be a gigantic

“EVERYBODY EVERYBODY... watch me breathe, see how presidential I am”

As of late all the spokes-wanka-dolls seem to react “how dare you ask me a question?!” “uh, but you’re the spokesperson/manager/daughter...