
There are instances where an idling/sitting vehicle can become filled with trapped carbon monoxide - due to blocked tail pipes (plants/snow), or by the HVAC intake drawing it in, or even by prevailing winds simply preventing proper outflow of exhaust. If you know you're going to sleep in a car, a proper cold weather

This is just more evidence that Barra's appointment was a PR move to "soften" GM's image prior to recalling all the ignition switch vehicles. "let's get a 'nice lady' who has kids of her own out-front to apologize... it'll make us look better." And I'm not suggesting Barra is a scapegoat, but rather an active

Buckminster Fuller's Dymaxion car -

Hopefully Uncle Bernie & teams will make next year's engines have some more of this. "It's 'throwback', it's 'vintage', people will totally tweet & RT about it.." The anodyne drone from F1 engines this year has been pathetic, even if the torque curves are fatter, who cares? gimme some adrenaline producing sound. (I

When this story & trip first started getting attention, her back story was that she'd grown up being told her dad was a "distant relative" of the ORIGINAL Amelia. As this publicity/marketing-stunt/future-career-of-public-appearances came closer to fruition the modern-day-Amelia claimed "she'd hired a genealogist who

"what's in there?" is what I'm inspired to think about the character - deep in that void of a mouth - much the same way I must ask myself "what's in there?" about any item they serve

An ickier possibility than some mean ole boy execs saying "hey! drop this in Mary's lap/her problem. HAW HAW!.." - Instead, what if it was calculated, with Mary's cooperation, to hold-off on their fess-up session until the company had her out there as a "softer", more-forgivable face? Double-yikes Scoob... One who

Netsol whois lookup sh0ws registrant of sleeplessinaustin.com as "Romeo Rose", which leads to his romoerose.com wedding planner/photography page (same phone # & address for both). Under "about" you have pictures of Mr. wonderful (not exactly "toned"), and the quote "Romeo Rose (yes this is my REAL name... ". His cell

Age 17, senior in high school. Was in a "work program" & would leave at noon to work as an "office boy" (good gig, basically kept the Co. president's Mercedes washed). On Oct. 24, 1983 after being at work for only about 45 minutes I was paged to a reception area. I rounded a corner and my Mom and younger brother were

Has anyone mentioned that he's not a very cunning linguist? (Apologies to the pun police and condolences to Mrs. Not gettin' any personal service)

Soooooo Fuck-tarded. Unreal. How much of it may be him simply trying to distract from his boss & boss' wife being investigated for -and pretty clearly being totally guilty of - being totally corrupt money-grubbing pieces-of-shit? "nice Rolex Mr. nutritional-supplement kingpin. Give me one for my hubby (the Gov.)".

So... Virginia ain't for lovers anymore???

If her husband IS a "hedge fund guy" as suggested, he was probably all "honey, today I earned a fat bonus by convincing some clients to put all their $ in some garbage investments while the firm actually bet heavily against those same investments, HA! We totally just took their money! So, What bit of rookery did you

Geez, poor, pregnant, nearly jobless... hmm... they remind me of another couple I've heard about... umm.. Joe and... uh... uh... Mary.. was it? Maybe god magically put the baby in her belly and not them doing a strict financial analysis. You're an idiot. you really are.

Do you respect the idea that it is not the sun up in the sky above, but it is really the wheels of Apollo's chariot as he rides across the sky? (as the once dominant religious thinking in the world purported, and if you disagreed with the idea you'd be murdered in the name of "heresy"...) you don't? No? But why not?

Oscar "Whoever is in there, come out with your hands up! I have a loaded gun pointed at the door AND I WILL SHOOT YOU!" - Reeva "OSCAR IT'S ME, DON'T SHOOT!" - Oscar "oh jeez babe, I almost unloaded a clip through the door. We're lucky I didn't mistake you for an intruder and kill you".

Now playing

It's all a clever marketing experiment on her part. I honestly believe that someday she'll hold a press conference and say "I can't believe all of you bought this...literally." Not long before the Ke$ha personality took off, you could regularly find her singing folk/country duets with her brother in and around

Musk is tech entreprenuer. He has done some big things, no doubt, but Tech companies (Silicon Valley) preach "roadmap" (what they plan & hope will work - "it will do everything, it will cook & clean, and wash your private-equity-bro feet will returning 300% on your investment in less than 4 years") but they always