
My favorite is how he endorsed and got his people to fund Randy Bryce, when by all accounts the woman running against Bryce in the primary (Cathy Myers) had a much better shot. She actually had some experience. Bryce was just a caricature for what very online leftists think “working class” people are.

My favorite bad endorsement of his is Tim Canova. That dude has been trying—unsuccessfully—to unseat Rep. Wasserman-Schultz for years now. He’s also a Seth Rich truther. Bernie now acts like he doesn’t know the guy.

Another unforced error was when he endorsed an anti-choice candidate for mayor of Omaha, Nebraska. There was no reason for him to get involved in that race, but he went out of his way to show that he’s cool with politicians who would vote against abortion rights.

“If you read that today, what I wrote 18 years ago, and you’re offended by it, you’re 100 percent right,” Uygur said. “And anyone who is subjected to that material, I apologize to. And I deeply regret having written that stuff when I was a different guy.”

I think about this ALL the time when seeing women with short shorts sitting on subway seats. 

After the trial*, I’m going to ban any mention of the Trumps in our house.

Living in the Midwest, I think its well worth the money to buy a good winter jacket or parka. Having a reliable warm jacket you can wear year after year that fits well is ideal and a worth while investment. They tend to be a bit warmer, and more durable than cheaper ones. You dont have to go full on Canada goose

In regards to knives, the real winner when it comes to money is paying to have them profesionally sharpened regularly (depending on how many you rotate between, I’d say once every 6-18 months). If they were decent to start with, this will make sure that they stay as sharp as new for 15+ years.

Buy the good toilet paper. I was enticed away from my steadfast Charmin Red (which I started buying after some GMG commenters extolled it’s virtues) and woooow it made a difference. I bought a new pack of Red last week and I am never straying again hahahaha.

Second paying for movers. Save yourself physically and mentally, and don’t kill relationships.

Shoes. I used to buy ~$50-70 dress shoes and replaced them roughly every year or so. I bought some $130-140 Eccos and got five years out of them.

What would be ideal is unstructured time, but with adult supervision, and a short homework help period. “After school activities” is certainly better than nothing, but I think most kids are already over-subscribed and just need down time.

I think what we really need is funding for after care programs for lower income families. Expecting all kids to be in school until 5pm is unrealistic, and also makes for a very long day for them. 

(But really, though, I don’t know why Tulsi Gabbard is even still in the race, let alone why anyone cares about anything she has to say.)

Add rape to that. Add the religious right denying access for their daughters to not only sex education but contraception.

So not unlike her political opinion on the matter of LGBT rights, then.

(But really, though, I don’t know why Tulsi Gabbard is even still in the race, let alone why anyone cares about anything she has to say.)

It’s the need for abortions that should be rare. With informed and reliable birth control methods that can occur. The world is long past the be fruitful and multiply model that was once prominent.

If I ever had the chance, and thought that I’d get an honest answer, I’d ask Sandra Day O’Connor whether she actually intended for her language in Planned Parenthood v. Casey to be the fundraising gift to the conservative movement that it was. Because honestly, if that was her intent, then Sandra Day O’Connor is the

To be fair, Gabbard’s political opinion on the matter of abortion is informed by her adherence to a socially conservative cult + hastily tacked on pragmatism to put her in line with the rest of the party.

Tulsi Gabbard is a Russian shill and nothing she says should matter to anyone.