
I swear some people will click on any article that has a headline about abuse allegations just so they can immediately scroll down and accuse a woman of making it all up. 

Is the name Ava Berlin raising red flags for anyone else?

You mean like a witness?

I was trying to think... I know that he’s given me bad vibes and I don’t really care for him. The only thing I can think of off the top of my head was when he jokingly called ScarJo’s Avenger character a slut in an interview.

What was Jeremy Renner’s original deal? Because from day one he was branded a Bad Dude in my mind, but I can’t remember why.

This broke my heart to read. My mother struggled with addiction in my childhood (she’s almost 20 years clean now woo!) and for a long time I was the only one who knew. It was fucked up. I loved my mom, and I didn’t even quite understand the circumstances, but like that boy I took on a lot of responsibility for her

This has been addressed in another thread, but PBS still gets the new episodes, but HBO gets them first.

I remember when the HIV positive muppet premiered people were freaking the FUCK out. They failed to get all the information before having a shitfit though. That muppet premiered on the South African version of Sesame Street. South Africa has the highest infection rate of HIV in the world.

So heartbreaking. My step mom is a school counselor in a place with a fairly bad opioid problem, and told me about a 5 year old kindergartner whose mother was an addict. The kid was so worried about leaving her alone home everyday that he’d make himself sick at school. He didn’t know the specifics, but knew something

Yeah, part of me was a bit taken aback by this as this sounds like almost a parody, and how many “categories” do they have to cover: muppet with HIV,a homeless character, one with a parent in prison- but those kids need somewhere to learn to deal with those things, and Sesame Street is second to none in tackling those

All Sesame Street episodes end up on PBS for free and content like this (not part of a single episode) is always free and available immediately upon release.

It also looks like these will be clips available online - so no waiting for them to air on PBS months after HBO. 

The Sesame Workshop has a kit for children with parents who are incarcerated. Its available on the website. 

This is amazing, and I have to say that the sheer volume of research they do for Sesame Street is astounding.

It is heartbreaking this needs to be a thing. I’m happy there is such a progressive show for kids though. 

Does Sesame Street have the same reach and power now that it’s on HBO as it did when it was way more widely-accessible on PBS? It seems like the audience that could most benefit from Sesame Street probably doesn’t have an HBO subscription.

I remember reading years ago, I’ll have to see if I can find a source, that it is not unusual for a rape survivor to have subsequent sexual encounters with their rapist, if the rapist is someone they know, as a coping mechanism in a attempt to rationalize what happened.

If there were subsequent encounters, I seriously doubt they were truly “consensual.” I think it’s far more likely any subsequent encounters came about through perceived or blatant coercion about what would happen to her career if she didn’t acquiesce.

It’s like arguing men can’t rape their wives.  It’s insane.

It is immensely frustrating that Lauer even gets a fucking platform to spout his bullshit at this point. Go ahead and have your little victim complex, Lauer, but we don’t have to give you a megaphone.