
Yes yes yes please to this!!!! How to care for curly hair. Right now every time I go get it cut, I'm told not to wash it every day. I have to at least condition it daily so I can comb out the tangly knots from hell, lest I let that go for a couple of days and have my head become the tangly bird's nest from hell,

Can we have a tutorial on how to do creative things with braids?

Mine too! He gained a few pounds a few years ago and the vet recommended giving him some green beans instead of some of his kibble - the first time we did that, we mixed frozen green beans in with his kibble, and he picked out all the green beans and ate them, and left his kibble. So we started having to give him

Agreed. They're both misunderstood and underestimated.

"... making it hard for legitimate patients with chronic needs to get the care they need."

No kidding. They also make me dizzy and sometimes vomit, and I've only found one that doesn't make me itch like hell (on the insides of my ears, throat, and eyes) - and that's only when I take an allergy pill and something to prevent nausea beforehand. But when my chronic pain flares to the level that it won't let me

I've had chronic pain for years (3 spinal surgeries, followed by a horrible car accident) and have had a prescription for opioid painkillers on hand since after the accident - because there is exactly one that I'm not allergic to and it's apparently an old-school one that most pharmacies don't normally keep in stock,

It may have been posted on her personal blog originally, but she also got it published on Huffington Post. That's where all my friends are re-posting and linking to it. I hadn't actually realized it had been on a personal blog first.

Yeah, I don't think it's weird, up to a certain age... I'm 34 and my mom still does it :) At this point, though, whatever, you do you, Mom.

My mom calls my dad his real name when speaking to him, but when speaking to my brother and to me, she refers to my dad as "Daddy." I've called him "Dad" for as long as I can remember anyway (stopped using "Daddy" when I was really young, apparently went on a "that sounds babyish" revolt). I said something to my mom

Yeah, teachers get their own evaluations based on how their students do... Likely that if one of their students doesn't take the test it gets marked as a "zero" for the teacher and a low enough overall score can give her a rating as an "unacceptable teacher" or whatever your state calls it. (By the way, now imagine

You're doing it right. Thank you. Spread the word to your friends who are raising boys his age, too. And boys your daughter's age. And please help make sure your son feels confident speaking up to his friends about this stuff and questioning them if he sees them doing/saying questionable stuff.

Oh, wow. I'm sorry it was so stressful. That sounds really rough. Glad you got through it, and hope you got some good downtime afterward to decompress.

That makes sense. I hope she does come around. That sounds really tough. And you sound really understanding. I hope it gets better.

Wasn't thinking you were a drama queen at all, actually. Was questioning the sanity of this girl who was mad at you for maintaining a relationship with your own brother! (And believe me, my own wedding planning process brought out the crazy in everyone, so I'm no stranger to wedding planning drama. I wanted to

Ugh, I'm so sorry. Not cool. She doesn't sound like someone who is healthy to have around right now. It may not be about you (probably isn't, really), but it also sounds like she just doesn't have it in her to be a very good friend right now. I'm sorry to hear that.

Hang on, I just got stuck on the ex being pissed that you maintained a relationship with your own brother. That's... yeah. That's just beyond ridiculous. Okay, moving on.

I think that's just the confirmation you needed, that you made absolutely the right decision.

So true!!! Don't do that to kids!!

Me, me, me! That happened to me (us).