
As the owner of a dog who loves to be pet but can get nervous at times, I appreciate this so much. It is parents like you who have helped my dog to trust kids again. I am continually amazed at how many parents don't teach their kids not to run up to strange dogs. My dog used to love kids, but he's unfortunately had

I've worked with a lot of kids with autism and kids with sensory issues and, well, just lots of kids, and I actually think a lot of people don't realize how *loud* older adults can be with little kids. Sometimes it can actually be partly because the older adults have hearing loss and they actually speak louder

UGHHHHH my MOM does this!!!!!!! And for the life of me I keep trying to remember if she used to do it when I was a kid and I don't think she did!!! I've told her it's not comfortable and she thinks I'm weird and making a big deal out of nothing, and swears that it's what she's always done. I don't think that's the

Just wait for the 3-6 year olds who run up at full speed to *hug* your dog because they haven't been taught to ask before petting strange dogs (and haven't been taught how to interact with dogs). Often their parents are either:

So, so glad you're doing well. Good for you for being able to change your perceptions and change your relationship - I can't imagine how difficult that must have been, but you sound so strong and I give you so much credit for being able to get through all of that.

That is so awesome to hear!!!! So glad she's doing so great, and that all your cousins have such a fantastic big family looking out for them. So fantastic. All the best to you guys forever.

Oh my... your reply just made me so sad, to think about your cousin's situation that way, that is just beyond horrible that she felt trapped in that situation for those kinds of reasons when your family seems so wonderfully nonjudgmental and willing to help. That just somehow managed to make it even more

I don't blame you for being worried, but I would strongly suspect that the awareness you show, and your willingness to keep your eyes open about these things (and not take the grandkids to see a relative who just got out of a sentence for child molestation) - coupled with your willingness to speak about it as a bad

Ugh, I'm so sorry for what you've been having to go through. Nobody should ever be put in the situations you were - by him or by your mom. I'm so sorry. You sound like you're doing well now, and if that's the case I'm really glad for you. I keep thinking of that relative, too. Can't even imagine how that must

I didn't read that as scorn - just as a limitation on this guy where he won't exactly be able to walk around, unnoticed. At least, being in the public eye, people will be aware of his history. If June is not showing good judgment here (which it seems we all agree she is most definitely not), maybe some social

I think there's so much shame involved in these situations, and so much denial as well (and so much hope that it's either over or isn't true/real), as well as really feeling scared of the abuser and powerless/scared to leave. And with parents in particular, in my experience of people I've met who have gone through

If TLC is, in fact, actually "reassessing the future of the series" because of her relationship with this guy, then, well, maybe that will wake her up. It may not be what she thinks she wants, but if she were forced to choose between him and her paycheck, maybe she would choose her paycheck - and even if she weren't

ARGH, that is insane and I cannot understand people who seem to be constantly propelled by such drama... it's like they're sucked in and think that's how all relationships work, so they have to suck others into it as well... that would piss me off to no end, too. Hopefully the guest who came was a wonderful one, and

That looks amazing!!!

#2 and #3 are so important. I mentioned this elsewhere, but we wound up with some artwork that people gave us as wedding gifts where neither #2 or #3 were considered. One painting we received was giant and incredibly dark (honestly, just creepy-looking), and we had no idea where it was purchased because there was no

I am obsessed with Haba toys. Love them SO much. Really well-made wooden toys are the best - I always wonder if other people appreciate them, too. I don't have kids yet but I love giving people really great toys when I can. My husband and I try to make sure any toys we give as gifts are low-tech and have gotten

UGH. We did a Thanksgiving Dinner potluck a couple of years ago since a bunch of us only had Thanksgiving Day off and a bunch of us didn't have any family in town, and I volunteered to host and do the turkey/gravy and everyone else was going to do sides/dessert/wine/etc. When it grew bigger, we moved it to someone

So true!!!

Ohhhhh you brought me back, the random off-registry wedding gifts.

I totally get this... but my plea to parents-to-be is to please, please, please make sure there are enough items on the registry at a wide range of price points. I love my friends and want to celebrate with them, but the purpose of a shower is to shower the expectant parents with gifts... and as someone who has spent