
Agree with everything you just said. Another huge Ravens fan (who is also feeling very conflicted about it... couldn't bring myself to turn down free tickets to this weekend's game but it did feel weird to me to be there... although I am pleased to report that I don't think I saw a single Rice jersey there that day)

That is awesome!! Thank you!! I'm not even a little bit handy, but I know what I'll be asking about when we move soon :)

I need to add this!!! A breakfast sandwich maker. Gave this to my husband for the holidays last year and he makes breakfast sandwiches all the time. It is perfectly sized for an english muffin, and it cooks the egg in the middle (plus whatever else you want it to cook) and places it neatly on the english muffin for

Ahhhhhhhh... I grew up with one of these in our house. It was inappropriately upsetting to realize when I moved out of my parents' home that not all houses had one of these. Man, do I miss that thing.

Ugh, that is so discouraging!!! Okay, when I try those Tovolo things, I'll do my best to remember to update if they help. Once we move and get everything out of storage, I am going straight for the ice cream maker. (I have no idea where in the storage locker our movers put that box and I gave up trying to find it

I just got a new cherry pitter this summer and I am in love with it!!! I love kitchen gadgets and my husband makes fun of me. And then he wants to pit all the cherries because this makes it so much fun. I relate to your post. We're moving soon and looking for a kitchen with extra storage.

I have the same issue with ice cream getting too hard after a few days. Been thinking about whether a better storage container might help - mixed feelings about whether to try something like this to keep it fresh (can't decide if it may be worth a try... I have a problem with liking too many unnecessary kitchen

I have a few. The best of the best:

THE BEST. I will never go back to microwave popcorn.

Ahh, knife technique!! I believe that's called, to "supreme" an orange - when you've first sliced off the peel (and held it normally, against a cutting board, and sliced down, away from your hands), but at this stage, you hold the orange in your hand because you're cutting between the little pith pieces that separate

It is never a terrible idea to make that much ice cream.

It'll switch itself to keep warm.

Love this. Smart!!!

Wish I could give you more stars for this. More parents should teach their children to think of others. Given your response, I suspect you probably already do and you'll probably never need to go so far as to pick up another family's check and deduct the money from your kids' allowances. Nicely done.

Ain't that the truth!! I'm never within the last few names anymore, so it totally takes longer to find my name now. But now when people get called for alphabetically, waiting times have decreased by SO much and I don't sit there bored and lonely anymore. I was a super quiet and shy little kid and hated the feeling

Thanks! We had a great time, and it seemed like everybody else did, too. I know a bunch of other people who got married on Labor Day Weekend and Memorial Day Weekend, but I just always feel so bad when people go on and on about how terrible and selfish it is when people use holiday weekends for their weddings.

Exactly. Those rotary phones fit our hands just fine, so what are we complaining about, right?

Yup. My 3-year-old iPhone 4S died last weekend and I was so bummed to have to replace it. My biggest complaint about the 6 is that I can't fit it into any of my pockets (on jeans or on nice-enough-for-work pants... it's even slightly too big for the pockets of my freaking windbreaker and my fleece), which is how

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