
Abandon all hope, fellow Core Hardcore Gamers, for games have abandoned you! Today you witness the beginning of the Death of Games as we have known and loved them. THIS is what your "inclusion" and "diversity" have wrought!

only carefully placed thermite charges could have broken a man's ribs in the manner seen here

Looking things up might do you good. "Jamoke" is decades old. It's been in use since at least the 40's to mean sucker/loser/chump/idiot.

Most dudes go home and beat off after pretty much any encounter with a female. I've been flying half-mast all day since the drive-thru lady asked if I wanted a receipt.

Someone should ask Mr. Murphy when he made his heterosexual lifestyle choice.

My "gay lifestyle" is working 45 hours a week, coming home, hanging out with my longtime girlfriend while playing video games or watching tv and doing chores. On those rare occasions that we have time off together, we see movies, go to Capitals and Nationals games or sightsee.

One with good eyes and the ability to tell CG? It's still the lightning, as ever, with CG. But like I say we're slowly getting there.

now imagine a person standing here holding a sifter waiting for a diamond to pop out. This is what trying to find a good mobile game is like.

I am Tyler's passive-aggressive email.

Come on — they'll both have a good laugh about this at the I-bank in 5 years after they've just closed the big merger that will put 16,000 people out of work....

My mom is going to read this and be horrified, so I should clarify that I don't smoke pot very often, but I'm not a big drinker and it's a lot to ask anyone, let alone someone who's not great with parties or big crowds of people, to go into the Breitbart party stone-sober, you know? DON'T WORRY, MOM.

"You're a conservative, and you just don't know it yet,"

My life's the same as before, but now I have a huge, bushy mustache on my face.

But Texas is a bastion of free market, anti-government Libertarianism, it's really the patients' faults for being at that particular hospital in the first place. They should've taken their money and sick selves elsewhere.

For those not in Los Angeles, the proposed Farmers Field by AEG would on the SAME BLOCK as the Staples Center, the L.A. Convention Center, the Nokia Theater, the Nokia Club, ESPN's west coast studio, a 14-screen movie theater, a bowling alley, a dozen or so restaurants/bars, and a 54 story Ritz-Carlton/J.W. Marriott

Being old, I can confirm that Five Nights at Freddy's is not scary.

Throw in the DuckTales reboot, and we've officially gone back to my childhood.

In case you were wondering (you weren't), Jagr has played in the NHL longer than the Panthers franchise.

Just wait until the invention of gunpowder and the 2nd amendment and moonshine and America gets it's unique unit, Rednecks, that is the real game-changer.