Unless you mean Amazon is going to buy up another one, they already own a development studio. They’re in Irvine, CA.
Unless you mean Amazon is going to buy up another one, they already own a development studio. They’re in Irvine, CA.
I would also add that we just don’t have the time to craft those sorts of responses when it comes to discussing game development. I’d rather spend 30 minutes working on the tasks I have due that particular day or week than try to find the exact right way to phrase something so non-developers don’t get pissed at me or…
The dogs are being trained for fighting, I think. If you stealth the level you can listen at the door while the 2 inhabitants talk about getting more people for the dogs to train against. That’s my rough memory of that moment at any rate.
Buy model snips to cut the pieces away from the tree, and modeling sandpaper, which comes in very fine grit, to sand away any residual plastic burrs. That’ll go a long way toward a nice looking finished piece.
That’s been floating around LinkedIn for a while now. I’ve been seeing it for months. Doesn’t make it any less insane, but I’d suspect it was taken when they were still very flush, no lawsuits had been filed, and it probably looked like the road ahead was paved with billions of dollars. Still insane for that to be a…
comparing unprecedented congressional filibustering and near annual threats to shut down the government to the presidential veto. That’s a new one. Congress can always override the veto if it’s that important to them.
You don’t believe in vilifying people with disagreeable beliefs. I’d argue that blatant racism, sexism, and bigotry are, in fact, worthy of vilification.
What?! By your example, believing in segregation and spreading that belief shouldn’t be construed as doing something awful? I’m not saying that Luckey believes in segregation, but that general idea seems to be what you’re suggesting. The “marketplace of ideas” is under no obligation to consider objectively bad…
Great! Been waiting for this patch. Hit the insane conversation loads in Novigrad and fought through them, only to then also hit the infinite load screen also mentioned. This was just a few days back, so glad I’ll be able to get back to the game.
Please, educate us on how great he is.
What? I’m genuinely curious in what way you see the left’s approach as “my way or the highway” and don’t see that attitude coming from the right. The way I see it, the right are the ones who set out to obstruct President Obama’s goals, by any and all means necessary. The only reason things like Obamacare was pushed…
Believe me, there are millions of us Americans who feel the same way.
But don't you feel the episode in question, in presenting Lawrence v. Texas also presents the liberal side of that tactic? And I haven't completed the whole episode, but at the end, they're also reviewing the manufactured cases brought by the NAACP to advance civil rights.
I don’t know that I agree completely with the idea that it’s more about personalities. The episode dealing with Baker v. Carr does cover a lot of ground in regards to Justices Frankfurter, Douglas, and Whittaker, but it is also clear as to the broader implications of the case and why that weighed so heavily on…
Oh man, reading the article and there’s Paul Davies, one of my most favorite people to work with in the industry. What an awesome surprise!
Insomniac and Rockstar are two that immediately come to mind.
Careful, your Bernie is showing.
Oh please. Just because some Republicans have recognized the threat posed to the world by Trump and have decided to back Clinton doesn't make her less progressive. it just means they would rather cast a vote for someone who won't blow up nearly 250 years of foreign relations and cast the world into chaos or tear apart…
Just lego your reservations and enjoy it
For me, the question is whether Cartoon Network really does know what they’re doing. Their Powerpuff Girls reboot is, in a word, terrible - devoid of nearly everything that made the original special.