
Think of the stuff that Shakespeare came up with that weren't words before he made them. They were thoughts and ideas that he conveyed. A thesaurus might get you from "It was a cold night" to "it was a frigid evening" but it won't get you to "frost formed on my mustache as soon as I stepped outside."

Suing a journalist over an anecdote will prove to everyone that Eric Lindros isn't a dick.

"Be sure to drink your Ovaltine."

Whoa... Hold the phones! Is that John Noble doing the voice of Scarecrow?

Bane himself isn't inherently awful. Bane is terrible in video game form though, because all that his presence ever amounts to is "fistfight against big guy, plus his band of mooks".

Me too. I lol'd.


I'm a bit suspicious that Alfred may have tampered with detective mode so that it always tells Bruce that those guys are just unconscious, even though he clearly murders at least one person every time he takes on a group of thugs. There's just no way you can consistently kick a dude in the neck hard enough to "knock

Man dude, your mouth must taste like feet right now. You completely missed the point of the article. It flew all the way over your head. That's impressive in a way.

See, this is exactly the point of this article: way too many people run their mouths off like idiots because they think it's all super simple. IT'S NOT.

You have no idea what you're talking about.

Look at this guy, he thinks he knows things about stuff.

I was waiting for someone like you, the type of person who has absolutely no idea what they are talking about.

I think it's usually the publisher and not the developer that usually settles for "good enough" and it's exacerbated the extremely high stakes of the AAA development world.

If I was AP and my agent did some dumb stuff like this, I'd be switching my agent.

I get annoyed as hell when I read someone go on about "lazy devs", when they know nothing of the process. As if a bunch of highly-motivated (and some highly-paid) people just shrugged and said "fuck it, this is good enough", and put the game out.

It is hilarious watching threads of people discussing your work and pretending to know how your code works.

Videogame development in a big, harsh, rotten nutshell:

1. Making games is a thousand times harder than I thought

The sexy characters themselves aren't a problem. It's part of the game's charm. It's that they're the focus of the game marketing, to the point where they define the franchise for non-players. In fact, one of the suggestions I make in the article is for Team Ninja not to change the current state of the characters.

I think part of it, especially in Hockey (and soccer as well) is, "if I let this guy get away with this penalty, is he the sort of person who will recognize that I did him a favor and stop, or is he the sort of person who will take it as a sign that he can go after the next foul even harder".