
On the one hand, I’m not sure how many shows currently on the air that are bigger in pop culture than Stranger Things.  On the other hand, I can’t think of another Netflix original that is currently airing.

Imagine claiming that you can’t afford to pay a wealth tax because all your money is tied up in assets and investments and isn’t liquid enough to be given to the government in the form of taxes and then dropping $44 billion to buy Twitter.

These things, like CDs or actual cassettes, just worked. My car now has no tape slot and my phone now has no audio slot, so I’d stuck using Bluetooth and... it sucks so hard.

It is outrageous that American automakers have pretty much decided that cars aren’t a think they’re going to make or people need.

I think your comment about the TOS actors getting older is a good one.  TOS may have only had two more movies than TNG, but the TNG movies were done 8 years after the show finished, the first TOS movie didn’t come out until 10 years after the show ended—those actors were coming back regularly to play those characters

I think you do have to consider that across TNG, we got to spend over 100 hours with these characters on screen. Across the original trilogy, we got, maybe, 6 hours of classic, young Luke on screen.

Kinda uncomfortable with the whole “any tech that’s older than one year old is dreadfully old and you should be disgusted for still using it” vibe here...

As someone whose parents didn’t let him have McDonald’s... until around age 5, when my grandparents, shocked that I didn’t know what a “Happy Meal” was, took me there, I gotta side with the mother.

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Are video replies allowed on Kinja these days?

As someone who’s missed a few big releases recent either because theatres have been closed or at least just most-certainly-not-safe-enough-to-risk-for-a-movie, that seems wise.  Maybe things will be clear by September (and I sure do hope they will be), but you don’t want to be missing out on money because people can’t

I can certainly forgive this comment if you haven’t seen a Mission Impossible film since the second one, but the last few movies in the series are some of the greatest action movies ever made. I’m pretty sure “non- stop thrill ride” is an overused quote from reviews, but it literally describes these movies.

You say “rage”, I say “hope”. I hope all that stuff is a sign that they are definitely planning to come back for more. On day. Eventually. And I figure I can hold out that hope for a long time. Why set it up if they aren’t going to deliver more? Clearly it’s coming back!

Not sure if you want to make the “decompress” episode the finale. ...An hour-long “x-ray” bonus episode that isn’t technically the finale despite being after the finale, though...  Surprised Amazon wasn’t down for that.

I think the issues with pushing the various *95 options, after the very initial (March-May 2020) supply issues, come down to exhaustion and expense.

COVID is quite literally not endemic.

Dune was a masterpiece. I have never been that engrossed by a film. I’m pretty sure I just had tears rolling down my face for the last hour, over nothing specific or in particular. I got out of the theatre, immediately began looking up show times for an IMAX screen, drove 45 minutes to the nearest IMAX theatre with

Played a cop on the Sarah Silverman Program. Played a cop on Arrested Development. Played a cop on Community. Played a sort-of cop on Parks and Rec. Played an FBI cop on Reno 911.

I laughed out loud at “Flashpoint”. Weirdly, I don’t think anyone else did (and this was a theatre that applauding the various characters showing up, so... was weird).

Inclined to agree with a lot of this.  Strange was right, Peter (1) was kinda a villain who got May killed.

The joy of Far From Home was in the interplay between all the characters. They all get along great, their relationships are so enjoyable, it was all so much fun.