
I, uh, I kinda don’t think I liked it... Andrew Garfield and Tobey Maguire’s performances felt... off when they first appeared, and I really didn’t feel okay about them until I realized they weren’t playing heroic Spider-Man characters, but comic relief. Which was fun, but, like, they are Spider-Man, not comedians.

MJ got very little say in having her memory wiped, her only request in accepting it was that Peter remind her afterward.  He chickened out because she got into MIT.  Denying her the one thing she asked him for kinda, sorta robs her of her autonomy, and that is not something I am cool with.

How does that work, though?  MJ wakes up with a cut on her head and no memory at all of the previous day?  Or does she remembering being there with Spider-Man (he still exists), she just doesn’t know who he is and any memory of a Peter Parker?  And what about the MIT admission?  They all got rejected because of

They made a post-credits scene a trailer. They’ve never done that before. It was bonkers. It was terrible (not the trailer itself, but the idea of putting a trailer in that slot).

I had planned to finish up Foundation this weekend, but then a friend loaned my Pokemon Shield, so... I have been playing a lot of that (my first Pokemon game in MANY games).

And here I was, just today, wondering if Blizzard had gotten its shit together in such a way that I could play Diablo again.

This may have been the most interesting Marvel film, but, also, I found that I just didn’t care.

Bold of you to describe two years as “a few months”.

I think that is a really interesting point you’ve raised here...

The problem is, everything we’ve lost, we’ve lost to the rich corporations—they aren’t just going to give that back. Maybe it won’t be a socialism uprising in name, but a revolution will be necessary when the rich corporations hold all the wealth, all the power, and have enough politicians bought and paid for.

Dude! I recently discovered I had done a super similar thing!

The only person you can imagine in the role, really?

Did I purchase this film through Disney+? Yes.

I’m curious about this switch in perception in regards to Marvel villains. There’s been this perception around the release of this film that Marvel villains are all these big, great, developed characters—your Lokis, your Killmongers, your Thanosi—but... that has absolutely not always been the perception.

Is it “2018 or later” or “2018 or earlier”?  Maybe a different phrasing altogether would be better?  “Before 2019" feels less ambiguous.

despite us knowing they’re not really going to bump off the title star with two episodes to go

I didn’t want it when it was announced, and I don’t want it now. Let the Robot Chicken guys do Star Wars jokes in Robot Chicken, but having them do it in an official Star Wars comedy series? Absolutely unappealing. Nobody wants a comedy Star Wars series, the only thing worse would be a comedy Star Trek series!

Not that having two different meanings to an acronym would solve much confusion, but maybe “bios”, in that sense, just stands for... “boot info or settings”, then the term can still apply to all?

Yeah, even though I keep realizing I’m wrong, I do keep thinking it’s coming out in December (either because last year’s move to December was never actually fulfilled, or just because of some perception that this should be the first, big December release since the [nearly] annual Star Warses stopped).

The proposed law would likely run afoul of the First Amendment in the U.S., but despite popular misconceptions Canada is actually its own country.