
I don’t... understand... this...

Puts “Here’s the Trailer” in the title of the article. No trailer in article.

We should, like, make it more expensive for corporations to cancel nigh-complete TV shows and movies than to just release them.

This kind of thing shouldn’t be legal. Like, sure, businesses “should” be able to write off loses (debatable, whatever), but this kind of thing is so incredibly and obviously anti-consumer, it should be specifically disallowed.

What is Star Wars trying to say here? That all governments, no matter how noble their intentions, are flawed? That power inevitably corrupts, and that nothing good can last? Goddammit, I know that. I live in reality. Which is not something I need or particularly want out of Star Wars.”

My curiosity over and desire for a fifth and final season was very specifically to see where they went from there.

Yeah, my understand was that FAST is a type of platform, but from the way the article referenced it, it seemed like FAST was one specific platform, which... it’s not?  (I’m not American, so I don’t keep up with all the various streaming platforms, but I don’t think it is.)

Sounds like Musk’s issue is with the crazy stalker, not the student. Is it possible speech could have unwanted consequences? No... speech must always be free! 

If we’re doing real world military, I get Independence class vibes.

I didn’t enjoy the ending of season 4… but it did make me VERY interested in seeing what they did with season 5 (which I felt would either make or break their choices in season 4). I felt a fifth season was a forgone conclusion, so I wasn’t going to judge season 4 without seeing season 5, to judge it as a whole.

Given the hints and teases of what’s to come next, I have to think it’s the plan (or the hope) to pick back up… one day.  That was just the logical point to pause things temporarily.

…How much Superman are we getting? Because Pedro Pascal is still The Mandalorian, despite spending 11 months off in Canada filming The Last of Us.  Anything less than a new Superman movie every six months (and they better all be good), and I think we’re getting screwed on this deal…

As this era of Doctor Who ends, my conclusion on Chibnall is that he doesn’t know how to put himself in the shoes of the audience when he writes.

I like Jeffrey Donovan, but also, he is exactly who you cast in a sequel no one asked for.

When was the last time Microsoft officially branded any of their products as “MS”-something?  Did they ever?  Yet every job posting comes with requirement relating to “MS Office”.  That’s not going to change.  Maybe in 30 years, but not because of this.  I will be shocked when I one day see a job posting asking for


I am +1ing this comment and sharing with my circles.

“And so when fans ask “Why are Star Wars shows or movies sometimes not that great” or “Why is the next project taking so long?” just look at how much Obi-Wan Kenobi changed.”

I have similar questions... In two years, we’re going to finish phase 4 (or we already did), get through all of phase 5, then be onto phase 6?  The article used “6" more than once, so presumably that can’t be a typo, but... what?!

So... anyone else rather disappointed in this film? Like, don’t get me wrong, there was lots to enjoy, but... if Ragnorok was a 10/10 (and it was), this very much wasn’t.