Kofi Kingston andd the New Day were livestreaming on Facebook when this happened, you can watch them go from treating it as work, to silence, to dropping the camera down:
Kofi Kingston andd the New Day were livestreaming on Facebook when this happened, you can watch them go from treating it as work, to silence, to dropping the camera down:
The ‘X’ symbol with the arms. Granted it has been used as part of a work, but it’s still a very legit symbol. You don’t see it in the posted video, but at the end, when the referee gets up from Enzo, he’s doing that, including getting right in Gotch’s face, making it clear it’s not a work. Watch Kofi’s livestream on…
They should just own it. The only people who would have a problem with it would be Washington supporters, who presumably don’t much care for the New York team, but just about everyone else would be a fan of it, including those not fans of New York or even the sport at all. Just say you did it!
I think we are, justifiably, focusing on the horribly sexist thing this “feminist” just said, but I was to draw attention to another point she made in that whole quote:
How many other species cook food? Like, not that they’ll eat something that had a lick of fire in, say, a forest fire, but intentionally take meat or vegetables, but it over fire or some other meat, leave it there until it has changed consistency somewhat, and then eat it?
Is blackface a primarily American offence? For example, calling a person of certain African heritage “black” is perfectly acceptable in many countries, but is seen as a wee-bit potentially racist in America. The term “negro” is obviously terrifically racist in America and other English speaking nations, but simply…
Precision, realizing their mistake, tried to make things right.
You could eat the apple or you could not eat the apple. You absolutely have free will on what to do with that apple. You could throw it at the wall or just walk away from it and do nothing. You have that free will. But, when it’s all said and done, you will have only done one thing. You won’t have both eaten the apple…
Look mister editor, you don’t need to leave a note not to leave an outraged comment about Lou Bergen’s story—they asked for it hot, and they got it hot, Lou Bergen should be commended for that.
Sigh. So Bruce Wayne died. Bruce Wayne came back to life. But he came back to life with a new brain, without the memories of being Batman, because it’s a new brain. But he’s still Bruce Wayne, somehow. And he does have memories of working at Wayne Enterprises creating this Batsuit, or no? He doesn’t have the memory of…
I got here from a Wikipedia citation, so I think responding to your comment is fair play.
I don't know what's more shocking: that Geordie Shore has run for 9 series now, or that Jersey Shore ran for 6.
Her dad Quincy is not happy with this.
No shit, those are going to make it hard to build this in Minecraft!
SnapChat turned down $3 billion, and whereas Minecraft actually has a way of making money, SnapChat does not.
Can't help but feel like I've already built this house in Minecraft...
Unfortunately this clever trick of Windows 8 did not work for me. Perhaps because my lost window isn't just way off to the side and only barely visible and I need a trick to get it back easier than dragging it, but instead because my lost window literally does not appear to be on my screen at all (unless it is…
Drag what? Pretty sure you can't drag the taskbar if the taskbar is locked (at least in Windows 8.1). I did try locking, unlocking, dragging, and locking again, on each side of the screen to no success though.
Could have something to do with media players that are not easily resized, but no, that will not alway work.
Well... no. But when it's in the glasses they give it to you in when it costs $8, then it definitely does taste better. ...Not enough to justify an $8 cost, but hey, fancy bottle plus naked ladies? I guess that's worth $8.