
I have, they are good, and it does feel pretty darn impressive when you’ve made a chicken sandwich from scratch... but it’s still not as good or as convenient as just going to a fast food chicken place.

I’m confused as to what the concern is, mass shootings are not new in the United States.

As a Canadian, I often look at our two countries as essentially the same. Sure, we have our quaint little differences (“sorry”), our superficial ones (km or miles), and our rather significant monetary ones (we don’t, ostensibly, pay for health care), but we, generally and frequently, speak the same language, with

Isn’t the U.S. nuclear weapons program still reliant on IBM hardware from the mid-‘70s?  Windows 7 sounds pretty darn new!

Pretty sure I get charged about $200/GB if I’m roaming... $50 seems rather affordable in space.

iPhones managed by a Music app?

Add Touch ID, keep the headphone jack, add the phone part, and sell this to me as an iPhone now, please!

I’ve been keeping my phone almost-always on Do Not Disturb for months now, and I gotta tell ya: it’s great.  No immediate checking on every alert, only to discover it’s an app that can inexplicable make your phone go off just to remind you to use it.  I just check my phone when I feel like it, when it’s convenient for

Try watching it through, again, from the start? I watched the first season after it aired, and while I liked it and respected it, I think like you, I didn’t love it. Then I watched the first and second seasons through after both had aired and I was hooked, something had switched inside of me and I was like “oh, this i

I’ve long touted The Expanse as being Game of Thrones meets Battlestar Galactica. I can’t recommend The Expanse enough, watch The Expanse.

I basically gave up watching Star Trek Discovery at then start of this season on Crave because, with their compression and the 720p, I found I couldn’t make out anything in particularly dark scenes (like everything in space), but have been pleasantly surprised by the quality Game of a Thrones hasn’t been, particularly

...Yeah, don’t believe the people who replied to you. “I can name one specific, random show that had a long break between seasons, so yes, this is definitely usual for Doctor Who!” is not a great reply to your question.

Hi... so, late comment and weird question, but was this post significantly updated at some point after it was first published?

Nooooot really. Only once has the show had a wait of a year or more between series when there was no new Doctor (coincidentally that was also the most recent break between series with no new Doctor, so it may be becoming a thing). The breaks between series, since 2005 and not including specials, have been (roughly):

Everyone remembers their first Doctor (and companion(s)). When you inevitably go back and watch all that came before, there’ll be some disappointment that it’s other the same as “your” Doctor, but stick with it, there’s some great stuff and even if the Doctor looks different and acts a little different, they’re still

The last interior was “slick and shiny”?  Not how I would be inclined to describe it... and surely this is just as slick and shiny, what with its metallic walls and... lights.

Really? Not once? Not even this most recent season, when Julie Mao’s mouth clearly said “fuck you”, but they dubbed over her with “forget you” (if I’m remembering the exact lines correctly)? That didn’t feel kidified?

Hello there. You’ve posted a quote from the Health Canada website that uses the proper spelling, “licence”, and changed it, within in the quote, to your illogical Americans spelling, “license”, with no acknowledgement of having made a change. I feel like that is wrong, or at least in poor form. “License” is a verb,

The movie has made $342m worldwide. It almost certainly cost over $500m to make and market. Sure, it’ll still make more money, but it’s still entirely possible it will only barely break even if at all... Yeah, that could very fairly be described as a failure.

That was your choice, buddy. I spent 20? 30? 40 episodes with them, regretted it, and got the hell out of there because it was not at all worth any more of my time. The movies owe a bad TV show nothing.