
Yeah, sure, that probably would have been an improvement. Or if they just came out and said “the bad guy is Khan, Benedict is Khan, and we’re basically remaking II” from the start, instead of insisting he wasn’t Khan and he was a new villain and Khan doesn’t have anything to do with this movie, and so we go see the

I still think the thought that Tarantino might be directing a Star Trek movie is the biggest surprise. The idea of a woman directing a Star Trek movie isn’t particularly surprising, much less so than the fact that no woman previously has.

I mean... I think it’s probably for the best that Star Trek is ignoring that little detail where, 300 years in the future, women aren’t allowed to be captains because sexism we moved beyond 250 years early.

I mean, I’ve heard a lot of the old Expanded Universe was garbage... but that’s still a very good and important point.

It got better, but it did not become good.

CBS is owned by CBS, Paramount is owned by Viacom; both are separate companies controlled by National Amusements.

So... Elizabeth Olsen would like to adapt a comic storyline (that likely can’t be easily adapted), an actor is playing a character in Infinity War, Jeremy Renner is in Avengers, and there’s a nod to Arrested Development in Avengers counts as “More Wild Rumors About Marvel’s Post-Avengers 4 Movie Plans”?

I heard a theory on YouTube (which, for the record, I thought was largely bullshit, because it went on to say that Discovery is a Paramount show produced by JJ, but this article does support elements of the theory) that the reason everything in the Kelvin universe is subtly different is because CBS owns the rights to

I get that the split between Viacom and CBS split things up a bit, but are the TV rights to the original TV Enterprise really not with the owners of the TV rights to Star Trek?

Removing comment because it wasn’t meant to be a reply... Facebook mobile Kinja sucks.

I, for one, don’t think you deserve a gyro if you’re saying “g-eye-roh”...

Given that the this was the first Star Trek series where the star wasn’t the captain (and the fact that Lorca wasn’t exactly a particularly good guy), I had always presumed that Lorca’s time was numbered. I would have to see it as very possible that he will leave the show fairly early, I’m just not sure when.

When I started the show, and it was kinda terrible, never really redeemed itself, full of bad characters and boring shit, we’d had that tease about the Mirror Universe from Jonathan Frakes or whoever, so there were two twists that had the potential to redeem things:

Given that they can’t even group them together, I would imagine that, yes, it would be too hard to edit an existing warning link.

Either Facebook or Instagram (can’t remember which, but it probably doesn’t make a difference) suggested my auto insurance broker. Only ever communicated with him through email and phone calls a couple times, never met him, and I’ve never added email contacts to Facebook or anything of that sort. Unless he did, it

The people I know who’ve seen it rated it between “bad” and “good, if you shut off you brain and just love Star Wars”, so... not great reviews from real people. I’d be worried. I am worried.

Thank you, thank you, thank you. This is the first Clem Fandango reference related to Discovery that I’ve seen, and I love it!

I appreciate that it subverted the expectation: you think there’s something about these characters, what could I think possibly be... just a tough homelife with an abusive father. I like and respect that, but... I have to think it would have been more fun if there’s actually was something of consequence to their

I... kinda really enjoyed this episode. The Burnham/Sarek stuff was just okay, and you obviously made a ton of good points about the prequel problems, but Lorca... I am very excited to see where this character goes.