
I found it an odd choice to close with the death of Ian McShane’s unnamed/I’ve-forgotten-the-name-of character instead of what should presumably be the death wound of Arya Stark. I mean, one was a fairly telegraphed death of a character introduced that episode, the other was what could be the death of a character

House Karstark has a better claim to Winterfell than House Bolton (and Winterfell controls the North). Ramsay is stupid enough to kill Sansa and Jon Snow, leaving the North to decide between a Karstark or a Bolton bastard... they’d likely choose the Karstark (who may not have really directly betrayed the Starks to the

Are you saying this isn’t going to be T.J. Hooker? I came here for T.J. Hooker!

Kofi Kingston andd the New Day were livestreaming on Facebook when this happened, you can watch them go from treating it as work, to silence, to dropping the camera down:

The ‘X’ symbol with the arms. Granted it has been used as part of a work, but it’s still a very legit symbol. You don’t see it in the posted video, but at the end, when the referee gets up from Enzo, he’s doing that, including getting right in Gotch’s face, making it clear it’s not a work. Watch Kofi’s livestream on

They should just own it. The only people who would have a problem with it would be Washington supporters, who presumably don’t much care for the New York team, but just about everyone else would be a fan of it, including those not fans of New York or even the sport at all. Just say you did it!

How many of that 51% know that Apple made their phones internally self-encrypt, to protect your data, and that unlocking that encryption, does so for every phone, everywhere, allowing this government, many other governments (hello China, whose demands are no less compelling than America’s), and anyone who can access

Wai, wait, wait, you’re saying, that in a couple of years, connecting to the Starbucks wifi is as stupid as putting your Facebook credentials into that website that looks like Facebook but so obviously isn’t?

I don’t need “nice” coffee. I just want to pour it and drink. Quality doesn’t matter to me, just convenience. So these pods are nearly perfect, just make them recyclable or compostable. One or the other.

I will have to disagree. They’re well-enough made, but I’m not sure they are more consistent than the movies. Iron Man 2 was a mess and Thor was dull, but neither was terrible. The Marvel Netflix shows, the two that we’ve seen, yes, are more consistent than the movies, but that doesn’t last with ABC thrown in. Agents

I know most people won’t use that 100GB, and even those that do (a huge collection of photos and music, perhaps?) won’t be accessing all of it, every day, or even every month... but who has 100GB in data bandwidth on their phone plans? Even if you pull in wifi, that could be seriously damaging to a lot of monthly

Well... you don’t live in America, of course you don’t get to vote. The United States is the world police, they get to do whatever they want. If you want to pretend to have a say, you can become a citizen and watch your vote noT count, or you can stay not able to vote and keep quiet.

Did that guy just ruin his nearly-$1000 device for the sake of that video? ...He may be worse than the people who came up with the prank.

I think we are, justifiably, focusing on the horribly sexist thing this “feminist” just said, but I was to draw attention to another point she made in that whole quote:

Do viruses that don’t really cause you much harm get eliminated, or do they just chill out in your body for potentially ever? From what I remember of sex ed., it seems like the latter could very possibly be true.

Admittedly Taika Waititi is a direct first and foremost and Jemaine Clement is best known as an actor, but there’s no denying the fact that they are billed as co-directors of the movie, and this article seems to be unaware of that fact, describing What We Do in the Shadows as “Taika Waititi’s” and describing Clement

I had presumed it was going to be more of an anthology series, like Clone Wars, allowing for them to tell compelling stories with different characters to keep things interesting, rather than just doing 24 episodes with a bunch of boring side characters, waiting for the big things to happen in the movies, like Agents

Based on these posters, you’ve got the title of he movie wrong: it’s not titled “Suicide Squad”, but rather “#SuicideSquad”.

You talk of the necessities and luxuries of consumers as if any of those things matter. The only thing that matters is the necessity of Time Warner, and other corporations, to continue making ever increasing amounts of profit. Stand in the way of the necessities of corporations at your own peril.

Presumably the public relations issue will be enough for them tI make some effort to stop using children. They’ll still use what are, if effect, slaves, working in dangerous conditions for pennies so we can have our phones... but they won’t be children, allowing us to sleep better at night knowing we’re only