
I thought just about everything that needed a password demanded, at the absolute least, 8 characters. And I thought it had been that way for nearly twenty years when I had to change my childhood password from 123456 to 12345678. Where are all these places people are still getting away with 6 character passwords?

I believe the word you’re looking for is “expropriate”.

A gun that will put a little burny hole in your arm if it shoots you is about 340x more powerful than a gun that will vaporize you if it shoots you?

“Dead-Shit-L”. “Dead-Pile of Shit-L”. “Skull-Shit-L”. “Death-Shit-L”??

How many other species cook food? Like, not that they’ll eat something that had a lick of fire in, say, a forest fire, but intentionally take meat or vegetables, but it over fire or some other meat, leave it there until it has changed consistency somewhat, and then eat it?

We’re gonna stick mirrors on two sides of a continent, shoot lasers at them, see what happens, and somehow that’ll tell us what’s going on hundreds of millions of light years away...

...a conductive phase of “metallic water” would form at temperatures of 4000-degrees Kelvin and a pressure of 100 gigapascals.

Is blackface a primarily American offence? For example, calling a person of certain African heritage “black” is perfectly acceptable in many countries, but is seen as a wee-bit potentially racist in America. The term “negro” is obviously terrifically racist in America and other English speaking nations, but simply

Yep, just like the end of The Force Awakens, when the Sith protagonist kills Chewbacca and a fairly young, 1980s Harrison Ford, Han Solo after/during/before the Battle of Endor.

Edge works on one operating system only. Now, sure, if you aren’t using Windows 10, you should probably upgrade, because XP is far too old, Vista has sucked for almost a decade now, and you can get free upgrades from 7, 8, and 8.1... but still, for anyone not on 10, you can’t get Edge. And if you are on 10, isn’t Edge

Is Rey, the film’s hero, a “Mary Sue”? The answer is yeah, she kinda is. Next question?

My parents never let me have fast foot as a kid, I didn’t even know what a Happy Meal was... Until I was about 5, and, upon learning this, my grandparents immediately took me to McDonalds. I now believe that the Big Mac may be mankind’s greatest food accomplishment.

Bones is gosh darned perfect in these movies. Scotty’s great too, but I want to add Chekov to the list of good.

The wake-up call isn’t now, when we’re seeing what will eventually leave us completely fucked (barring discovery of some new antibiotic), it was the first time we discovered resistance, that was when we should have woken up and said “hmm, maybe we shouldn’t be feeding this stuff to millions of livestock that live in

So down for this. I got my 5S after the 6 came out, and while I did get to save a couple hundred bucks and didn’t have to take part in the insane clamouring that goes on after a new iPhone is released, my big reason was the size. And, as my 5S’s battery starts to get weaker and it has a tougher time coping, I’m


Combining the default question here of “favourite” with the side question of “never skip”, I think, leaves me with only one or two possible answers.

Jesus. I knew it went bad, but I didn’t know it had gone that bad for them.

That’s especially peculiar, as the show BBC America is playing after is scheduled to run for an hour and a half, and it’s a BBC show with a longer-than-40ish-minute runtime as well. Seeeeems like BBC America would be aware of how long Doctor Who episodes run for... Would they air it commercial-free (not in America

Now playing

It was clearly just named after its inventor, Professor Death.