
Fair trade? Wonder Woman is easily DC’s third biggest, most recognizable hero.

Man in the High Castle. All the trickles of content over the past months (if I recall correctly) made me need to see this immediately. Plus alternate-history is one of my favourite things, and I always wanted to see this adapted, so Jessica Jones can wait. No doubt I’ll watch it (easily as soon as tomorrow), but for

I have to agree, I felt like I was reading half an article, that I had missed the other half somewhere that talked about Final Destination 5.

I thought the episode was great while I was watching it. It was exciting, scary, and pulled you in more than most episodes. As I was watching, I was pondering whether this episode would end up being remembered among the best of them, right up there with Blink. The found-footage style of the episode was great, and

Hello, hello. What’s going on? What’s all this shouting? We’ll have no trouble here!

Precision, realizing their mistake, tried to make things right.

1. Leia’s planet was blown up decades ago, and in the face of an authoritarian “Empire”, the optics of calling herself a “princess” might not be great. Seems reasonable she would not be (and an earned military rank would seem to take precedence over an inherited title anyway).

You could eat the apple or you could not eat the apple. You absolutely have free will on what to do with that apple. You could throw it at the wall or just walk away from it and do nothing. You have that free will. But, when it’s all said and done, you will have only done one thing. You won’t have both eaten the apple

I’d be completely down with giving Manny Coto a Trek series, and I’d certainly give RDM a shot... but Rick Berman and Brannon Braga? Not sure I want Voyager or Enterprise again.

I found the bit where the soldiers are confronted with Zygons looking like their loved ones to be rather problematic. They’re UNIT soldiers, they know about aliens, they (presumably) recall when the Earth was transported (and all sorts of other alien encounters regular folk seem to tend to forget), and they know

This all would have been easily seen by observing live animals: relative to their size, male tuataras drive the largest and loudest pickup trucks in the animal kingdom.

Look mister editor, you don’t need to leave a note not to leave an outraged comment about Lou Bergen’s story—they asked for it hot, and they got it hot, Lou Bergen should be commended for that.

It is better than all the ones that came after it... but that really isn’t saying much. I haven’t been able to watch any of them without stopping because of how bad they were.

My folder is called “Apple’s Crap”... how the hell did I not realize “CrApple”?! I tip my hat to you, sir!

For an article about great finales to once great shows that had lacklustre final season(s), it seems like an overwhelming majority of the featured replies are about shows that had great (or at least improved) final seasons over the season(s) that came before.

Next you’ll tell me my hamburgers aren’t made of ham!

$27m opening weekend for that movie in a territory of around 300 million people would be a failure. What’s different about the Chinese market that makes such a small opening a huge success in a market almost ten times bigger? Do dollars cost different there? Because this movie still cost hundreds of millions, and 27

This has made me ponder a thought: how many people are on Ashley Madison not to have an affair, but because they want a no-strings-attached, non-relationship, and feel that is much easier to achieve with someone who is having an affair?

It should really be perjury and contempt of court to send a fraudulent DMCA claim.

Hmm. Yeah, I could see it, I could buy it, and I could see myself enjoying it.