
I’m confused. If there have been no injuries, why have they issued the recall? Is a company actually putting the safety of their customers over their own profit (and the risk of the bad press over a recall)? No... that can’t be! They must not have heard you never, ever issue a recall until at least one person has died

You know at most stores, how you walk in, select what you want to buy, then go to a cashier, pay for it, and leave? Yeah, not at the Apple Store! There’s no cash to pay for things at! There don’t seem to be any lines at all! Just random spatterings of people in different parts of the stores. Some parts of the store

You Trekkies and your nostalgia... give me one that’s a small Starfleet logo that magically attaches to my chest, and I’ll be interested!

It sucks pretty god damned hard, but at least the phone works reliably well enough.

8.3 disabled accessing the files of your apps without some sort of bogus iTunes sharing feature turned on.

Ew. Gross. So 2008. Not a fan. This change is unacceptable. Let’s all boycott Facebook unless they change it back!

You have to “show” Facebook what you’re using is your real name? I guess I could see that happening if your account got called into disrepute, but it certainly isn’t standard. My account is not my legal name, rather my nickname, and that has never, ever caused any problems. ...And I may or may not have a number of

I came into the living room last year and found my cat acting quite odd. I quickly saw that there was a mouse there as well, and it was fleeing quite fearfully from my cat. My cat wasn’t attacking it, but following it around quite closely. I ran to get some sort of supplies to catch the mouse so I could release it

Stupid 616-ers, they get Civil War, and all we get is Serpent Society!

In 6 years Hollywood went from refusing to allow a title of “Zack and Miri Make a Porno” to allowing the title “Sex Tape”. We could allow “The Goddamn Batman” before you know it...

March, August, November, November... either Warner doesn’t have much faith in this franchise, or expects to someone make a lot of money in months were movies often don’t make huge amounts of money.

I’m not sure I want to see Spider-Man with the Guardians of the Galaxy until, like, GotG6... I feel like we’ll see Iron Man with the Guardians before we see Spider-Man with them (I know RDJ isn’t really up for his own movies anymore, but know he’d love to do GotG, it’d just be so much fun!!).

I think that is important to note, what people came for and stayed for. I certainly was hooked by boobs and blood, but I love politics and what made me love the show was the politics. ...Most people, however, don’t love politics like I do, so I’m not sure how many people are actually watching the show for the

Audience surrogacy. The adults who travel around in space all the time are used to it, they’re all experts at space, unlike the audience... and their children. The children are there to ask the questions that the audience is thought to have, but no adult in the story could, because they should already know.

Will they return the ability to view my apps’ files without having iTunes File Sharing enabled for that app? Because that’d be great.

I love how Apple used to sell a 64gb iPhone 5S, but... not longer. 32gb is the highest they sell... Guess they needed all the 64s for the iPhone 6s... which, of course, cost more than a 64gb 5S would.

Not sure. Back in 2006 before Netflix, and illegal downloading of TV series, and YouTube, and streaming media were all really things, I recall loving Windows Media Center. Watch TV, record TV I wasn’t watching, and watching DVDs—it was great!

The ability to save more than one backup of your phone on your computer if you don’t have an Apple computer.

[2009’s] Star Trek wasn’t a reboot, it was a sequel with time travel that made it a pre-sidequel. Let’s try to get that right!

When I last bought a whole computer package, I was offered a monitor that could swap between portrait and landscape because it was on sale... then it turned out it wasn’t on sale and I just got a normal monitor. That was disappointing to me, and I regretted not spending more for that monitor (though, at twice the cost