
How dare you say that my claim to the Holy Roman Empire’s throne is meaningless?!

No iPhone in the 5/5S size I love? Well, guess I can stop following any iPhone news, I already know the most important thing. Tell me when these psychic predictions for 2016 come out!

Wait, Person of Interest isn’t a massive success? I know its ratings dipped a bit this season, but in 2013-14 it had the 8th highest ratings. It might not have done NCIS numbers (what), but it was still well ahead of CSI, Grey’s Anatomy, Survivor, Once Upon a Time, The Middle, Bones, and other shows I’m shocked to

Two questions:

Uuuuuuhhhhh.... I didn’t want to be the one to break this to you... but I’m, like, pretty sure Thomas Riker is a terrorist... And last I heard, he’s got a life sentence in a Cardassian gulag, so... not sure he’s gonna be captain...

Riker just couldn’t command the Enterprise. He could do a bang-up job commanding any other ship in the fleet, though!

Exactly. I’m not sure any of those alone warrant an entire series (at least not one I’d trust to be made well), but you’re darn right I want to see episodes set in those worlds, story arcs, team-ups, interplay, overarching plots that weave through them all. Such a dream of a show!

That would have been cool. One of the things I’ve always hated/been disappointed in/whatever in the Davies era was not expanding things that could have or should have been expanded on. There’s the very quick run of, like, one and a half of the ending movies where The Doctor just says “fuck this, I am god, and I am a

While that actually is really cool... I want to see it on screen! Jonathan Frakes is the man!

Canada replaced its British-based flag with a simple design: an easy to draw and recognize plant-based symbol with two iconic colours. That’s why I’m a big supporter of New Zealand going with the silver fern. It’s easy to draw and recognize, and going with black and white is fairly iconic for New Zealand (and all evil

That whole, ugh, season was bad, but... I don’t recall reaching just about any of those conclusions.. Interesting to hear, though!

I’m going to go ahead and agree with you. But other than that whole “solution” it was a really amazing run of episodes: Jack’s back, end of the universe, The Master’s found, The Master’s back, The Master is Saxon, The Master is awesome, everything else... so long as we ignore that whole Tinkerbell thing.

I’m right there with you, I remember having a lot of really awesome theories... but I don’t really remember them because, ugh.

Can we really be sure what you described isn’t true? ...I mean, can we be sure without citing the third movie at all? I think not! What you described is what happened!

...Oh yeah, Kara wasn’t all those things your described, was she? I think I had repressed all that memory because “angels” wasn’t something I really wanted to remember.

My biggest excitement for that proposed Star Trek anthology series (was it ever actually proposed, or was it always just my dream?), was getting to see Riker finally, for real, be captain.

Assuming you mean the original Secret Wars, I would be pretty okay with that, as that arc was possibly my favourite part of the animated Spider-Man series from my childhood! ...Though, can Marvel get Spider-Man, Fantastic Four, and [current] MCU properties into one movie(s?)? Maybe, as we probably won’t have to worry

Considering their originally troll of calling this Captain America: Serpent Society, is it too late for them to just retitled this Marvel Civil War (in the same way every movie is titled with Marvel in it, but that’s not actually used, so really just Civil War)?

I imagine this was previously announced and discussed... but I was unaware: with William Hurt in this, Incredible Hulk is now confirmed to still be very canon? I’m aware it was at the time, but it was the second “MCU” movie out, before there really was an MCU, and with the Hulk recast, I always assumed it existed in a

I actually didn’t either, I knew he was a producer, but figured that was mostly a token thing due to his role in the first two movies.