
I interviewed for a job in “tech support” once at a somewhat major (in its limited area) ISP. Now, while I may know a few more things than the average person about tech, I doubt I’d be able to talk someone through getting their internet working again (though, to be fair, it’ll almost always just be turning it off and

Has it really been almost ten years since we heard to words “...on an all-new episode of Star Trek...”? I might need to cry.

Millions of dead plankton?! Dear god, get the word out, chalk (and gypsum) isn’t vegan!!

Singer was a producer on First Class and got a writer credit for the story, and based on the Wikipedia section on the movie’s production I just skimmed, it looks like he was pretty heavily involved in its development, at one point planning to direct.

Fair enough. But I would think that having your husband in prison is unfair to a wife, but, y’know... when you commit a crime and get assigned a punishment... it really only has to do with you, not your wife.

With a name like that, it’s gotta be a-okay for everyone!!

Seems odd they’d introduce young versions of the X-Men for it to be the only movie they appear in. Unless they mean this kicks off a new universe with those characters... but Singer’s involved with this. And didn’t they already do that with First Class... which also had Singer involved and led to this?

To be fair, I do believe Enterprise stated that Qo’nos was only a short amount of time away at a low warp speed, which I think made it one of the closest planets to Earth (the closest, if my memory of some calculations I did stands), so despite that not making sense in pretty much every regard, at least beaming there

If I had to guess, it comes down to the fact hat the people writing the laws and the people handing down judgments are all fairly confident that the internet is nothing more than a series of tubes, and all of your points are nothing but hooplah by someone clearly less educated in the tube-i-ness of the internet than

I was going to say that they would just disconnect his house from the internet tube, but I guess in today’s world of wifi and computer-phones and dick pics, it’s pretty hard to complete eliminate someone’s ability to potentially connect to the internet.

My thoughts exactly. Sounds like he’s just a pretty shitty computer user who, in all his time hacking, never learned about any kind of portable media.

Anything that tastes good but has nothing in it that tastes good should absolutely be distrusted. Just like the ads for escorts that say that no money is being exchanged for sex, it’s just for “companionship”.

This trailer lost me at “We should use these powers to help people.”

I think it was supposed to come out on the same day as Captain American 3. ...Then DC/WB realized Batman and Superman combined couldn’t beat Captain America (and that was before it was Civil War with Iron Man et al., when it was just the follow-up to Cap 2), so they moved to March, when all the big blockbuster,

Did not realize a lot of these were even being made or coming out this summer...

When the article started, saying she began this whole thing 19 years ago, I figured that must be a mistake. 19 years ago?! There was no internet then, no streaming of anything, no webcams. There was no way any of that was going on, so 19 years ago had to be a mistake. Did you mean 19 months ago? 9 years ago?

Things happen.

Considering they're "bringing back" a character who should only barely have been born, bringing a character back from the dead should be easy enough for this universe! At least "he brought her back to life" is easier to explain "well, see, we know this character should be, like, 2 years old, but now he's in his

While I think that’s a great sign, and I think I can guess at this... the sign doesn’t explain what the green without the circled ‘P’ is... and, if you just made a new sign series, maybe you should have explained that. I mean, there are four explanations on the bottom, three types listed on the sign, but only two of

Remember back in the day, when, to add music to your iPhone, you dragged the music to your iPhone, instead of having the right click on the music, selecting "Add to Playlist", then choose your iPhone from the list of playlists (because you phone is a playlist, obviously)?