
Hey man, you try being stuck indoors for four months out of the year lest you leave and freeze to death, see if you don't get a little stir crazy, and maybe come up with some currency that other countries might find a little odd. Bet your country's $10, $20, and $75 coins don't all feature Superman! And do you even

I still really want one of our square $3 coins! Never really been that big on glow-in-the-dark $25 coins, holographic $20 coins, $8 coins with square holes in the middle, or pure gold $2,500 coins.

When one country, which does not make up the majority in size or population, unilaterally decides it had ownership over the name of two continents, I think it's fair to be bitter (though I would argue that the one country doing that, was the narrow-minded act).

In 1950 manufacturing was the largest segment of the economy, by 1992 it had been more than halved and had fallen behind services, retail, and government. You might still make some stuff, but you don't really make stuff, not like you used to.

While your kids likely won't think of "Made in China" as meaning cheap, unfortunately they will think of "Made in America" as meaning cheap, both from using those products as well as from making them. When all the places America gets their cheap products from starts making better stuff, they'll start looking for

Considering the creation of artificial scarcity that happens in our real world, that might be enough of a justification right there. But, if you'd like something a bit bigger, I'll go with resources: if everyone on Earth has access to the pods and everyone starts living to 150 or 200, whilst everyone's still having

Seems reasonable I could have just been reading a rundown of jail breaking that was a year or two out of date at the time. I was reading through a few guides the otber day, the one regarding Facebook was three years obsolete and the one that had to do with Windows was, umm, two and a half years obsolete. Those sorts

Interesting. I was basing that assertion off something I read long ago about the great things you could do with a jailbroken phone that Apple wouldn't normally allow you (and the apps themselves) to do. If that was incorrect, then definitely my bad. Though was what you always described true, or something that Apple

If they made their "cutting-edge Apple innovations" on Ericsson's patents... then Apple owes Ericsson. Seems pretty simple.

I haven't had any real problems with Chrome, my preference towards it is really just that is feels right, it feels like a we browser, whereas Safari feels like a shitty Apple app that I won't trust to work particularly well. Probably all subjective, but it's my preference, and I should have an "open in Chrome" option

I'd say the worst thing about Elysium was that it didn't completely blow me away like District 9 did. And that, as far as I'm concerned, is probably an unreasonable standard for anyone to meet.

i don't have any experience with jail breaking my iPhone, but I have enough experience with iPhones to say: yeah, Apple hates you, and says "fuck you". But rude, I have to say, but that's what they told me to tell you. Apparently it's what they tell everyone who wants to do more with their Apple device than Apple

No, no, you're mistaken there about the government. Whereas you have to follow the rules, it's not that the government doesn't follow them, it's that they don't have to.

It's sad when the most useful things you can get from jail breaking an Apple phone aren't sweet apps that Apple thinks are too cool for you or all the porn all the time, but actually just tiny little minor tweaks that Apple could totally allow in an instant... but don't, because "fuck you". Want to use Google Maps

Isn't also illegal to take and/or display photos of the Eiffel Tower at night? Looks like AP/Gizmodo have got some explaining to do!

Oh no, I never said you couldn't do it without iTunes, I said you couldn't do that with iTunes, in fact, Apple provided no way to (easily) get photos from your iPhone to your PC.

I... I think you forgot to finish that article. When the hell do we get to the rats?!

I... actually hadn't. I mean, I'd obvious heard of the service called iCloud, but I wasn't aware they had a .com website, which, considering how few references Apple makes on their main website, isn't all that surprising.

Don't worry, I clicked the link and there are no nudie people over there. I'm sure your work will be completely fine with you surfing blogs and reading comic books, so long as there are no nudie people, right? I mean, I've never really had a job like that, in my experience, it's usually just "don't use your work

Honestly, I had no interest in this show, or its ending (I had kind of thought that had happened a couple years ago), but with this review... I actually am considering maybe watching this episode.