
Me: Hi iTunes, I would like to get my photos off my iPhone.

Are you sure it's your phone inserting random letters? Because I know, on my phone, accessing Gawker Media on Facebook's internal browser, autocorrect will just randomly not work some of the time, which leads to "typos", in the sense that I typed the wrong thing on those tiny buttons and the phone didn't autocorrect

If the lock thingy does slide into its hole properly and normally, that's kinda the door's fault, not the e-lock's.

Passing on the right... those mother fuckers! I swear, I think that capital punishment is morally unacceptable, but fuck, if anyone deserves it, it's them. I don't often say people deserve to die, but when I do, it's them... Unless the passing on the right is justified, like if there's someone in the left lane just

I currently have 218 tabs of Chrome open, Chrome has been active without crashing somewhere between 3 and 12 weeks (admittedly that's a huge range), likely, about 80 days (but I can't confirm that either).

Oh please, as if you wouldn't have fallen for all that sweet green!

Oh, come on, it was all just friendly ribbing! You know, like how the one really southern white guy in your group always ribs the only black guy any of you have every really spent time with! Good, ol', friendly ribbing.

It was the '80s! The writers didn't think robots were people!

I re-watched it relatively recently. I think I rather enjoyed it. But more because it was the most terrifying thing I had seen as a child, and rewatching it through more adult eyes allowed me to understand it better and see what had so terrified me as a child. Then again, I don't recall the rewatch that well, so I

I don't know if it ever made sense to me, but damned if this wasn't the scariest thing I had ever seen as a kid.

Not at all. Obviously that would be what most people would immediately think, but Garfield could easily be playing a different Spider-Man, which is something I would be pretty okay with. The man made a good Spidey.

Imagine if this happened now, but instead of waiting, the health services immediate announced that "we don't know why or what's causing it, but it appears that everyone who is getting sick was eating [brand]".

James Doohan was also Canadian. We sure are a hopeful people.

Why did no one tell me Alexander Siddig was cast?!?

I realize that, absolutely, I'm simply asking why we say it's okay for Facebook to be able to do that. We could easily make it illegal for Facebook to force you to cede your rights to use their website. I'm guessing/hoping if Facebook included in their terms of use the right to claim you as a slave or to outright

How do you prove every photo was given with consent/not stolen?
The onus is on the prosecution to prove they weren't/were.

I'm not going to lie, I was not aware most of that was going on.

If we're dealing with someone who technically hasn't broken any law... yeah, that seems like a fair punishment.

I actually didn't know that was our law...

I feel like I can recall Gawker (maybe not Gizmodo, admittedly) doing a LOT of articles on Hunter Moore over the years.