
The number of windows on the bridge aren't even and symmetrical!

Yeah, but... The Walking Dead is so good (for the last two half seasons, at least)... I can't believe the people actually responsible for making the show directly would be working to ruin it. The channel it's on, sure, network execs are notoriously stupid, but not the people who make the show, even if it wouldn't

following Rick at assorted season five episode epilogues

I agree with that... It's the shots of the beautiful Ford navigation system in action rather than people just driving a Ford, it's the show of how easy it is to access your emails from the Start screen on a Windows tablet rather than just a shot of the email (though props to Under the Dome for not, that I recall, ever

I don't know who this looks like, I know I recognize them from somewhere... but it's not Jared Leto.

Unfortunately this clever trick of Windows 8 did not work for me. Perhaps because my lost window isn't just way off to the side and only barely visible and I need a trick to get it back easier than dragging it, but instead because my lost window literally does not appear to be on my screen at all (unless it is

Drag what? Pretty sure you can't drag the taskbar if the taskbar is locked (at least in Windows 8.1). I did try locking, unlocking, dragging, and locking again, on each side of the screen to no success though.

Could have something to do with media players that are not easily resized, but no, that will not alway work.

I saw some of the actors they considered for the role.... Do not understand how this guy got it. Maybe everyone else said "no" (and to be fair, if they knew the movie was retconning things and making Sarah Connor raised by a Terminator, saying no might have seemed smart)? Maybe this guy is actually, somehow a

You kinda missed the only shot of out-of-focus Matt Smith... Come on, io9!

I thought you said "Kyle Reese" and was going to say he's such a dull and bland actor, he could be anything and you wouldn't even realize it... but John Connor, yeah, apparently that was him (and apparently I have next to no memory of that film... probably for the best). He was also in Dawn of the Planet of the Apes.

If we're going by trailers, I think this looks worse than Salvation.

Out of focus in the back around 0:53?

Just watched the trailer for Salvation... god, what a great movie that looked like. And really, I don't remember it being that bad. Sure, it had its flaws, but it also had aspects about its depiction of the future I think I might enjoy more than what this new one appears to be showing of the future.

The 6 (and 6 Plus) were announced just as I was deciding which iPhone to get.

"The motherfucker is back and looking better than ever."

I'd love to do that, but every case (at least the ones that came with great reviews) came with a big stupid hole in the back, because god forbid someone not know my smartphone is an Apple iPhone.

Well... no. But when it's in the glasses they give it to you in when it costs $8, then it definitely does taste better. ...Not enough to justify an $8 cost, but hey, fancy bottle plus naked ladies? I guess that's worth $8.

I have decided to tell myself that Steven and Brian are, like, high ranking software execs that Barbie is interning with (and therefore hang out at the school library), or at least are her TAs, and that she's a very junior and novice student, and that's why she needs their help to build the game. Maybe she was in