
If I'm not mistaken, that's microevolution, which is allowed by the bible because, uh, it can be seen pretty clearly in labs, but macroevolution? That's the devil's work! Show me a monkey give birth to a human! Oh, you can't?! Haha, I'm right and you're wrong! Science!

That plan might work if everyone involved in the internet was perfectly benevolent and I just wanted to privately use the internet in peace. The problem is, the people who control access to the internet for everyone else, yeah, they're basically all assholes, and they really like fucking you in the ass, and if they

Handle it through competition?
How? If all the companies charge you high prices for shitty service and have so much power and influence they can easily choke out (or just buy) any competition before it actually can become competitive, that's no solution.

These numbers would be vastly different if they hadn't stopped making the Batman-shaped pasta-in-a-can (which was the best shaped pasta-in-a-can) and switched to making the Spider-Man-shaped pasta-in-a-can (which simply is not as good)

What percentage of people who get the flu die? What percentage of people who get Ebola die?
What percentage of healthy adults who get the flu die?

Yeah, I realize that... but still, Buzzfeed.

I'll definitely see it because it's Nolan, but whether I'll pay a lot to see it in epic IMAX, or just randomly at some point down the road, I don't know...

That's what radio is for?!?

I felt like I was saying to my fans, "If you create music someday, if you create a painting someday, someone can just walk into a museum, take it off the wall, rip off a corner off it, and it's theirs now and they don't have to pay for it."

We all hate this, right?

That kind of thing has never really shocked me. We're a tiny planet. Jupiter is unbelievably massive compared to us, I get that. And the sun, well, it's a freaking star, its light can be seen for god knows how far, of course it's going to be massive as well.

Buzzfeed? Really?

I'm hoping not. I think it might just be the "time travel" of time dilation, or, who knows, something completely novel like Planet of the Apes, but not something stupidly simple like "you know how you didn't think you'd get to see that person again because of how long this would take? Well tada, now you do, because

Same, hmm...

And yet you can fit all those planets in between the Earth and its moon?

I'm disinclined to read the whole review, because I want to go into it knowing relatively little (despite just reading a Gizmodo article that seemed to pretty much state that the movie contains wormholes and time-travel), but this is the paragraph that appeared to confirm I would enjoy seeing it, no matter its flaws:

If I understand this correctly, one of these wormholes, with a lightspeed end, would allow travel back to its point of creation for all time, just never before that point?

Top image: Optimus riding Grimlock. For everyone who was burned out on the Michael Bay Transformers movies, this callback to Beast Wars was a pure shot of excitement. That was perfectly designed to get us excited about one more outing. Sigh.

I miss the good old days, when it was illegal to drink alcohol on private property you owned if your neighbours could see you... now you can be sittin' out there, all cleavage-y?! It's a slippery slope, people!

Makes sense.