
I wouldn't jump on "she's known about Terminators the whole time, this changes all the previous movies!", I would say it seems much likely that they're just created a whole new universe/timeline in the style of 2009's Star Trek. It's hardly ideal, but there are all sorts of reasons why they couldn't just do a

"ANAZAC" or ANZAC troops?

Also have to cross the border if you want a drink on a Sunday or holiday evening...

April is definitely different from March, but it certainly wasn't given a prime slot. Not sure if that was a fear of oversaturation, a lack of confidence in it, or just a desire to try something new. But at the end of the day, that was Captain America 2, it wasn't The Avengers (first weekend of May), it wasn't

How long did it take before Marvel announced a slate? I can't quite remember, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't after Iron Man that they said "next we're doing the Incredible Hulk, then Iron Man 2, Captain America: The First Avenger, Thor, and then the Avengers... before we do even more sequels and other stuff". Marvel

I live in the GTA, I don't live in Toronto. I don't know how wide a global reach "GTA=Greater Toronto Area" has (it means a lot of things to a lot of people), so, when dealing with the internet, in can be easier to just consider myself from Toronto. I... I really don't know how I'm failing to explain this.

Something tells me, if we have a massive, deadly, global epidemic on the scale of 1918 again, getting the flu shot is unlikely to help.

If you have the technology and know-how to do that, absolutely, yes. Unfortunately, not everyone has that technology, and even those that do, many won't have a clue what you just said, they'll stare at you wide-eyed before eventually saying "so you want me to take a video?"

No we shouldn't.

I said that if you're healthy, you can pretty much count on not dying from the flu, and therefore it would be an exaggeration to say that everyone needs the flu shot.

I don't know, I think most people on the internet think of "GTA" as "Grand Theft Auto", it's easier to think of myself as being "from Toronto" than a more convoluted a specific explanation than that.

Things you take for granted, I guess... I'm trying to picture signs in my mind to see if they're bilingual or not, and I can't.

...Wasn't io9. Fair enough, my bad.

On the one hand, yes, wearing a camera at all times could be useful. On the other hand, wearing a camera could make them more likely to target you, more likely to treat you more harshly, and at the end of the day, there's nothing stopping them from deleting your video, stealing your camera, or destroying it all

A lot of people become cops because they like power, the power to do what they please, the power to destroy people's lives, and the power to hurt and kill things. Killing a person is a little tricky to get away with, they could end up with a paid vacation or even being fired for killing a person (do compare with what

Not quite, but in the global scheme of the internet, I am close enough... Toronto does still make its signs bilingual, doesn't it?!

Who's this dude, and where's their Yellow Ranger?

Sorry guys. The idea of a post-apocalyptic Toronto got me all shaking in my boots with excitement because I'm not sure I've ever seen that before (blowing up city hall in that Resident Evil movie doesn't count)... but that arachnoid warning should really be bilingual...