
So... anyone else remember an article about this movie coming out on io9 within the past week ago? I think it was titled something like "the sci-fi film you didn't know you wanted to see"?

I actually quite enjoyed that.


As someone who watched the entire first season sometime in the last four months, I can tell you that all these people saying "watch the second half of the season" or "the second half of the season is when it's get good" are bullshit.

To some degree, but isn't Goyer overseeing this entire multimovie superfranchise? Between him, the studio, DC, and possibly Snyder, that's a lot of people, and the director is likely not to have all that much control over things.

From start to finish, it's all Microsoft. It's a model that's worked pretty well for Apple. I'm much more inclined to trust the reliability of the Apple iPhone than I am the Motorola iPhone or Huawei iPhone. Now that's not to say that iOS and Apple have been more successful than Android and

Star Trek has been far from perfect, I won't deny that. Considering the franchise had the first interracial kiss, it would have been a grand, bold statement to have the first homosexual kiss (though considering the show wasn't on network TV at the time, I'm not sure it would have counted).

Am I the only one more inclined to trust a crazy dude working in a garage over Lockheed Martin?

"While many issues have been raised about how poorly Star Trek has tackled issues like gender, sexual orientation, and gender identity"

Iron Man 2 was a really bad movie, but it still made a huge amount of money, the team-up movie that followed still made a huge amount of money, and its direct sequel also made a lot of money. When it comes to Marvel, it would seem that having a huge, established hero is guaranteed success, so Civil War would be a

Edit: Maaaaay have gotten replies confused.

Having Marvel's biggest heroes together in a multi-movie epic conflict that would provide years of very entertaining and engrossing films would be a bigger test of audience goodwill than spending a bunch of money to make a space opera with characters no one's ever heard of?

I've heard that... but is it actually true, or just a joke?

There have been a billion TV doctors... but there has only been one The Doctor.

Someone in the comments pointed out that he has more powers than just healing, right? Metal claws, no, but claws? Yeah, non-mutants don't have those.

I have, oh boy, maybe 10 of those little things and have already won two small fries and a small fountain drink. And, since I haven't actually checked all the other stuff to see exactly what I have, there's a very realistic (if very slim) chance I've already won thousands of dollars.

If I'm not mistaken, the iPod Touch I got about two years ago is still the most recent version of that device... why didn't it get any love in your article.

Not only do you need the router, you need the internet plan. I mean, realistically, I'm lucky to get 15Mbps, I'm not really worrying much about whether my device could conceivably receive 7 times that speed or 19. I mean, 100Mbps is pretty decently fast.

In a sense, sure. I'm North American and a Brazilian is South American. Just like a person from France is a Western European and a person from Ukraine is an Eastern European. But they're both Europeans just like me and my Brazilian friend are both American. ...Oh, wait.

Admittedly you posted this yesterday, so it was before I posted the same conclusion about 10 hours ago... but that was in a different thread and I certainly hadn't seen this. So yay for parallel thinking!