
My country is Canada, my continent is [North] America. Therefore I am Canadian and American, but obviously I'm not American.

Definitely not the same way they got the new phasers and phaser rifles right around the time First Contact came out and the DS9 crew got them too... not to mention all the shuttlecraft they kept churning out.

I live in the Americas, I am a citizen of a nation in the Americas, I live in a federation of states in the Americas, but I do not live in the United States of America. Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina. All unions of states in America. None are the United States of America. That's what I'm saying.

There is a way to call the iPhone versions logical, it is a bit of a stretch, but like you said, it's not skipping numbers.

Yeah, I find that confusion over version number pretty funny. Should have just called Vista "Windows 6" and been correct about it.

Canada is a federation of provinces and territories. Mexico is a federation of states (also, over a hundred million people, which I honestly did not realize). Brazil is a federation of states. Argentina is a federation of provinces.

Sure, but like any young child learning to count, it took them a while to figure it out... it seemed like they had finally learned that 8 comes after 7, so 9 should come after 8... but no, they jumped to 10. So yeah, what the absolute fuck?!

You're aware that many first world countries have health care that's not only better than that in the US, it's cheaper, right?

What the absolute fuck.

Speaking of incorrect state names we should stop using due to incorrectness: "United States of America". Most of America isn't part of those united states (and many are part of other united states), and most Americans aren't American.

Would they have to evolve them, or would they merely have to have always had them in order to have any likelihood of existing at all?

Can single-celled organisms see? In the way we can? I don't doubt they can have some ability to detect light, but that's a long way from seeing what we see.

For one reason or another, I did end up waiting another year. And again, I was faced with "do I go for the latest model, or do I go for a slightly older option?"

I tried to make it so you could just look at the pictures and click the links to get most of what I was saying.

Like I originally said, I just threw it together in a couple minutes, took a stab at it and wasn't willing to put in that extra bit of effort to get it juuuuust right. Though the line weights, with the exception of St. David's cross, are all based on the current Union flag.

Yeah... which star uniquely represents Minnesota? Which stripe stands for Arkansas (but not Kansas, they obviously cannot share)?

I swear, if DC continues this trend, eventually we're going to get a Justice League that spends all its time murdering hoboes.

Well... okay, I guess in a place like that (how is that even possible? Super religious town?), it's a lot more acceptable.

I... I guess? I don't know, I'm in a moderately-small suburb with 1 24-hour McDonalds, a couple 24-hour A&Ws, and Tim Hortons's for 24 hour offerings, but we still have a number of pizza places open until 2, 3, or maybe even 4 every night. I would imagine big cities have many 24-hour pizza places.

Like the Kardashians, sure, it starts amongst the affluent people, but then it builds and builds, and it doesn't really become "a thing" until it's caught on in a wide range of people (and since most people aren't affluent, most people who it caught on with likely aren't either).