
No, I'm referring to the fact that my 4TB hard drive (according to the hard drive) only has 3.63TB on it.

I tried walking into my local Apple Store and walking out with a 4S for free. They told me that I was an idiot and that it isn't actually free. I tried explaining, "but the picture, the picture, it said it was free!", but they had no idea what I was talking about, obviously they don't give away iPhones for free.

Yes, but giving Google a potential edge on government contracts against its competitors is different from removing the protections consumers have from being screwed over by an entire industry that can function as a monopoly without certain protections in place.

They're already guessing. And if they're going to guess at a number, why not guess at the actual number not a limited, promotional number?

It's as though Toyota suddenly decided the 2015 Camry should be an SUV.

Is it racist to say "a half-Taiwanese actor is probably good enough to play and Arabian, I mean, they're not white, right?"?

Showrunner Steven Moffat has made it clear that he's already making plans for at least some ofDoctor Who's episodes in 2015 — but speculation as to who might replace him continues to spread.

Two keys? I rarely even bother locking the door. Only if I happen to go by the thing on my way to bed. (And if I get robbed... fuck them, who robs a person? That shit's wrong!)

Don't blame the victims!

Why do we need any security improvements? iCloud is perfectly safe. Apple told us so. Those leaks were in no way the fault or result of anything wrong with iCloud. You should all trust your nudes to iCloud. You should.

According to Bloomberg, an iPhone's serial number lets Apple trace problems all the way back to the individual worker who made it.

It's terrible this happened, it shouldn't have happened, but hey, this is why we have laws to protect employees from wrongful dismissals like this.

I see no way in which "Manboys" isn't a derogatory, sexist, and possibly ageist, term.

"If Tim Hortons is a national icon for you, Canadians, you should really look into some new iconography."


Nursing his wounds... and incest.

the underground market for Instagram follows and likes

To be fair, the other ISIS is just IS, but as if the U.S. media could handle a "country" referring to itself by only a two letter abbreviation!

This seems incredibly useful.