
That's some bold stuff right there.... Very interesting, thanks for sharing!

Wales may be a country, but it's not a sovereign state... Wales was conquored by England in the 13th century and fomally annexed to England in the 16th... Cornwall may not be a country, but it is one of the six Celtic nations... The words "nation" and "country" are often used interchangeably...

Dropping a major character for a season? Yes, that would be quite unusual. However the show has had numerous minor characters who have dropped for a season or two before returning (Gregor Clegane, Janos Slynt, and I would expect certain minor Lannister characters to be returning at some point soon).

Obviously this is uncool, and luckily fake, but Colorado police: what the fuck?!

Well technically the green doesn't represent them, it represents Wales...

both Google Chrome and Firefox have agreed to adopt it by the end of the year.

What are the laws regarding deploying the military against unarmed civilians?

For me? It's a fair bit, yes.

My parents raised me eating relatively well. They weren't any kind of fitness-y, diet conscious people, but they also didn't feed me fast food or meals that come out of a box. I didn't have McDonalds until I was about 5 when my grandparents took me. I didn't have Kraft Dinner until I was nearly 10 at a neighbours.

Is it conditioning, or the fact that food manufacturers know how to make foods that will be more enjoyable to your body than anything nature can create, that they know how to make foods that are addictive and outstrip boring stuff like "salad".

Yeah, no doubt, but... I don't want to have to do actual research to determine what constitutes success based on all sorts of real factors. I'd rather just assume what used to work is still good. Much easier.

As a Canadian, I would get a huge kick out of our mother nation adopting a flag based on ours.

I think the argument there is that the United Kingdom was created by uniting the kingdoms of England and Scotland. While Ireland was added, Northern Ireland is a modern carve-out and didn't come in as a kingdom of its own, whereas Wales came in by virtue of being a part of the Kingdom of England (like Cornwall, which

I was rather young at the time, but was the army actually ready to invade Quebec if just a few more people voted "oui"? I know there have been some serious questions since about Quebec's ability to unilaterally secede, the constitution says no but the UN would arguably say yes, but having the army ready seems like a

First of all: this article is incredibly interesting.

You can't anymore because that's where a lot of money for a lot of movies is made. But the old benchmark is that a movie has to make at least its budget back domestically, and preferably twice that to be a true success. This movie only barely cleared its budget domestically. Like I said, thank goodness for the

I agree. I like Windows 8. My biggest problems with it were introduced in Windows 7. The things I like most about it were introduced in Windows 8. I think, therefore, it may be my favourite version of Windows.

I have Windows 8. I almost never see any tiles. And I also never have to see any fake glass-y graphics. I'll take 8 over 7 any day.

It works fine for me (certainly better than Vista), and it looks better than anything that's come before (looking at you Aero and Luna). What exactly makes it steaming?