
Oh god... look at that sexy font!

Yeah, they definitely violated the treaty, and they probably broke a lot of international laws and conventions with all the things they did, but, if the free, democratic will of the Crimean people is to be a part of Russia, then they have the right to be a part of Russia (if Russia will have them). That map doesn't

I was excited about that movie, sure, and I did have someone tell me it was good... but that was about it. I wanted to see it, but I just never did. I don't recall seeing or hearing anyone under 50 (bar myself) talk about or mention it. I don't really recall seeing any actual ads for it. I don't even know when it

Have the off-contract prices not also been similarly the same?

I have to feel like you might be missing my point...

Probably... but maybe not, who knows? I didn't expect Guardians to explode like this, but it did. Maybe everyone would have recognized Transformers for the crap that it is if it had to go up against a similarly-action-based, but actually good movie like Guardians of the Galaxy?

I had a phone with the $1 walkie-talkie. Greatest thing ever. My friend still has his... unfortunately I don't think there's anyone left with one of those phones from 2006. He also still has free texting because it was grandfathered in with the walkie-talkie phone/plan.

Right to self-determination is pretty important. Whether or not that referendum was particularly fair, if the people vote to join Russia, we can't really presume to speak for them... we can speak for a fair vote, but we can't just completely ignore the results.

It's mainly just a theory, but if you put two movies out at the same time with similar audiences, while more money might be made between them, individually they would make less than if they had been released on their own.

Was it really ever supposed to be anything more than a soap operate with great actors, superb production values, and British accents (though, for a British show, I'm not sure that last one is really worth mentioning)?

Hmm... that is pretty disappointing...

Oh for fuck's sake.

10 minutes?! What terrible subway system are you on? I'm pretty sure they come every like 2-3 minutes in my limited experience.

Umm... The article would seem to disagree with you there.

I still think you aren't appreciating how obscure this was. This wasn't "freeze frame on the computer monitor to see all the names listed there that are easter eggs and were too visible to see when the movie went by and normal speed", this was "go through this movie frame-by-frame to see if I can spot something

If you have to ask, you're streets behind.

If we want to talk about the box office, specifically the summer, this year was down, it's pretty simple: nothing good was released. Sure Guardians of the Galaxy came out, was great, and has been a success, but it came out in August, nothing big comes out in August (which makes its success all the more impressive).

Speak for yourself, io9, I plan to live forever.

You're just jealous that you're streets behind.!

Yeah, but this isn't even going frame-by-frame looking. This is knowing all the promotional photos for Community off by heart, and then going frame-by-frame looking for barely visible things no one who didn't know those promo photos off by heart would be able to spot. That's insane.