
You're insane. You are clearly insane. I hope you know that. I hope everyone knows that. Insanity, thy name is you!

Can you please list the price of the iPhone without a contract? I've complained about this in years past, but you still seem to be doing ("you" being Gizmodo, I can't recall who past writers were).

What kind of stupid-faced, idiot-headed, dumb-assed, imbecile keeps their butter in the fridge?!

$35 gets you province-wide calling, national texting, and data, all unlimited, yes. Bump up to $40 and you get national calling, global texting, data, and voicemail. If I go up to $60, I can get Canada/US-calling, global texting, data, and US roaming (and voicemail) all unlimited.

Yeah... I guess that doesn't sound like that bad of a plan... I don't know, I've never really had a smartphone, I'm not sure how much data I would use, I just know I hate limitations.

Jeeeesus. At least I get unlimited texting for $5/month.

The police are always right in everything they do, so cameras aren't necessary. And if all they had was "a white van with Colorado plates", then that's all a video would show, it would be no better than a police officer (always trustworthy) describing it. And if police were, in some crazy bizarro world, not always

That thing does look beautiful.

Anyone who supports the police all wearing cameras is anti-police, and is with the murderers, rapists, and pedophiles.

I don't know... I've never heard of it being a direct parody of any movie, let alone that one specifically. And based on the plot, it seems that the only connection is that both movies have a corrupt authority figure appointing a new sheriff they think won't be good at their job, but that backfires.

Wow. Alison Brie in a never-produced Buffy parody was significantly funnier than the Academy Award winning actress Jennifer Lawrence in this terrifically bad series that inexplicably ran for 3 seasons.

Can we take a moment to remember how bad Manchester City's kits were just a few years ago?

Didn't Napster shut down in like two years?

Admittedly I'm in Canada, so it's probably completely understandable compared to an American-American, but not only do I not have a clue when the Mexican league starts (don't they do that whole two-seasons-in-a-year thing?), I'm pretty sure that was the first time I have ever even heard the name of the Mexican league.

To be fair, you can't post a list of upcoming fixtures without breaking the Premier League (which, in footballing terms, is in England, not the UK)'s copyright, so this really isn't particularly surprising. Disappointing, sure, but not surprising.

Admittedly I haven't played a Halo game in about a decade, so I can't say how big the level design has gotten, but those images look a lot more like rooms in a city than a city. I guess it would make sense that a Halo game or a level in a Halo game wouldn't be a relatively open world experience, but that is what I

Have we considered that this movie takes place in a new timeline created by Darth Vader travelling back in time and minorly altering the past by destroying one Republic ship, but somehow that has massively changed the "present", with Star Destroyers being three times the size for no explicable reason and all the

Hey now. If we don't get to post GIFs, neither should you. That's not fair!

Looks like Toronto, circa the G8/G20 summits four years ago.

If Google Glass looked like a Scouter, I would actually want to buy and wear it!