
Because people aren't so superficial in the future! You need a spine to walk, you don't need hair, and once people stop putting a taboo on baldness, no one will care about being bald! The future will be wonderful!

The thing about this show that both delights (or would delight, if the writing was better) and frustrates me, is the tale of the good guys becoming the bad guys and the guys we're told are bad are actually the good guys. One of the frustrating things is how no one seems to see it in this universe. Sure, this is in

Excuse me? I don't think you understood the article.

I'm really sleepy and am not reading things very clearly at the moment. I read the title of the article in the link as something like "Wu Tang Clan—The Guy Who Coined "Ain't Nothing to Fuck With"".

I am just not entirely convinced that the science is there to prove that children cannot, in fact, defy gravity.

I know it's a whole lot to do with there being an ocean, and, like, mountains and deserts and stuff, but I just find it hilarious that Arizona and Nevada will feel like the middle-east, and one state over in Southern California it'll feel like... Ohio.

So long as winters equally improve, as someone in Canada, I'm pretty okay with this!

Honestly, when I was trying to guess the difference, I had assumed it was the other way around. As in: bold is a difference face to the font than italic. I mean... that just makes more sense, doesn't it? Get me in touch with the elders of graphic design, they need to hear this!

I won't deny that Maleficent may have been better as a low-budget romp, but I just want to take this time to admit defeat. I predicted there was no way that movie could make enough to justify its budget, but somehow, it has. Though, to be fair, its domestic gross probably hasn't, but it's international money is just

I'm not going to lie, I'm pretty disappointed this isn't J.R. actually calling football.

Well fuck me, I'd forgotten you could do that. Still, though, the folders aren't exactly logically named (does "842GGLUF" come before or after, chonologically, of course, "824BLVIG"? ...it's a trick question, the latter is the obviously the folder for videos). iTunes is, still, of absolutely no use whatsoever,

When it comes to getting photos off your phone, to be fair, it will also take a long time to figure out with the modern, elite phone on the market, the iPhone. Sure, you can upload or email easily enough, but to simply drag the photos from your iPhone (which is essentially just a USB flash drive like any other thumb

I only replaced my RAZR last year (admittedly I got it around 2008), and that wasn't because it broke (though it was getting there) or because I wanted to upgrade (I got the cheapest, dumbest phone available as a replacement... the screen is actually smaller, which took a while to get used to), but simply because a

I... don't like this. I really don't like this. I think the idea is cool... but the execution is just really bad.

So, when you say "browsing history", you mean "things you browse on Facebook", not "browser history" as in "websites you visit completely unrelatedly and indirectly from Facebook and they should have no access to", right?

It's Canada. When we find something able to be taken advantage of, we report it to the responsible authorities. We don't actually go out and take advantage of people! How dare you suggest such a thing!?

Yeah, no doubt on a lot of that. But they aren't thinking "what did we do in the past that allowed us to make the money that we can currently make", they think "what can we do today to make even more money?" And that is, in all likelihood, owning all their movie rights, making all those movies, making big money off

It could, theoretically, way down the line, maybe have accomplished that. If they stopped publishing the comic long ago, maybe FOX wouldn't feel there was enough a base in it, there were any new, good stories coming out, so what would they adapt, and why even bother if that low level of ground support wasn't there,

Still like a hundred times better than Shia or anything in the last movie.

How long has FOX held the rights to Fantastic Four? How long has Marvel wanted to create a cinematic universe and probably is kicking themselves for selling the rights to some of their better known properties?