
Well sure, and I have friends who've shunned cell phones, but that's not really Apple's fault. If they shun it... shit.

Honestly, I don't think this is going to change how I use my my phone and computer (the tagline for this article on Facebook). I mean, I don't have an iPhone or an Apple computer, so that's kind of a given, but even with an iPod Touch, I don't see this changing that much. It seems largely the same as before, a few

I'm aware you referenced this Jericho Cane, but dammit, he deserves his own numbered entry!

Come on!

I think, and I could be wrong because this is going back a while, but I think I was talking about the dumb. The people who say "gluten is bad for you? Alright, no more gluten for me" but, of course "wait, gluten is, like, bread and grain and stuff, right? Okay, none of that sort of thing!" So they've pretty much

If I had to guess, it's because most (everything?) with gluten is also very carb-y, so cutting out gluten would cut out a lot of carbs. Sure, you could still eat a lot of carbs, but you might not, and so a gluten-free diet could be in effect also a low-carb diet, and so any benefits of that could be interpreted as

You used to have 200 friends, but now you have 1,500? What happened? You either added over a thousand friends or a thousand friends added you and you accepted them as a friend. Either way, this is kind of on you. (Unless someone hacked into your account just to add random friends... but that seems highly unlikely.)

Is that a placebo effect, or could they not legitimately just feel better by eating a low carb diet?

Wait... So you couldn't previously use your Microsoft internet-TV-funtimes-box to go on the internet, without paying for it? You know, paying for that right, in addition to paying for the internet it would be using and paying for the box itself?

I was going to suggest the same thing.

That's definitely what I was thinking... but I think we're all smart enough to know that fire cannot shoot as efficiently out of a kidney-shaped hole as it can out a circular one, a circular one that is most prominently displayed at the peak of the butt of the car.

Where's the obligatory Batmobile, fire-shooting, speed-nozzle?

We used to mix all the eggs, meat, cheese we could find in a big frying pan, fry it all together in syrup, and serve on toast. It was strictly for eating after the bar, because making of these sober was absolutely gross. And this was after university, so... we really had no excuse.

...Are you a rabbit who has learned language and gained the ability to type?

Or apples with a nice plate of eggs Florentine with bacon on English muffins served with sides of potatoes and a garden salad.

We're all using Chrome though, anyway, right?

I generally agree (give me more mashed potatoes and gravy instead of some sort of dessert like a cake!), but breakfast is one place I do have a bit of a sweet tooth. Granted, I rarely do have maple syrup with breakfast unless I am having pancakes, but would I rather have my sausage with or without syrup, I'm

I think that comes from the ideas that "rice is healthy" and "Asians aren't obese"... but it ignores the fact that neither of those are anywhere near universal truths, and that a lot of the food served in most "Chinese" restaurants in North America is Asian-esque foods created in the North American style, so they're

On the one hand, I will absolutely agree with you. Syrup on hands is a big no-no, and I can't understand how McDonalds' McGriddle was a success because while I love the idea of it, the practicalities are that you're getting syrup on your hands pretty much by default, and these things look no different.

I'm not sure how fair it is to compare raw ingredients with prepared items. Sure, people do eat individual apples or a chicken breast with nothing on it, but if we're talking meals, that's unlikely to be the case. A pasta dish, a pie, a plate of whatever is likely to have a great many ingredients. Sure, the fact

I think Canada has duplicated those regulations almost exactly. I was going to post our ridiculous rules, but I'm pretty sure they're just about exactly the same.