
I'm not sure I really know what any of that is... but hey, that picture looks pretty tasty, I'd go for one. Is there a specific Asian cuisine this falls under, so I'd know where to look if I wanted to find something like this near me, or is very pan-Asian in nature?

On the one hand, I'm much more excited for this than Agents of SHIELD, I feel like there's much more potential. On the other hand, Agents of SHIELD should have had a lot of potential... it just didn't pan out because of the constraints of doing a weekly network TV show set in a universe normally populated by movies

I imagine that is the reason, it's just stupid that I can watch NBC on my TV, but I can't watch an ad for an NBC show on the internet.

So, I can turn on my TV right now and watch NBC. I'm not sure what channel on the dial it is exactly, maybe 8 or 9 or 11 (it's been way too long since I watched an actual TV), but I know it's there. I can watch their station, I can watch their shows, I can even watch their commercials (except when another channel

...Or did imperialism so well that their modern borders reflect the extent of their imperialistic spread.

This is my set-up. Unfortunately it's a bit hard to stick in the back of a drawer.

Nope, not the only one, no.

Yeah, that's almost certainly what I'll do. The last two console games I bought were Grand Theft Autos, and those don't come our particularly often, so it's pretty unlikely I was ever going to play this... but hey, if I ever wanted to rent a shooter game, this would definitely be it (do they even still have places

See, I don't know any of those games, because I don't care about them at all, but Kevin Spacey? No I've stopped being completely disinterested and am now actually kind of interested in trying this. But only for Spacey, not for anything else.

I'm not going to lie, based on this alone, I am much more interested in playing this game than any of the other 50 Moder- Call of Duty games that have previously come out.

These movies are (or at least I hope they are) on a number of different layers.

I know "OS X" has become "a thing", but if this really is such a major change, maybe, I don't know, it's time for OS XI? I mean, it's been 12 years now, the first version of OS X is so different from the most recent, Windows has existed in 4 versions in that time (or "two-point-something" if you want to count that

Wonder Woman is one of the biggest superheroes DC has to offer, likely only behind Superman and Batman; in fact, she's one of the most recognizable superheroes in the world, quite possibly more so than any of the Avengers (with the likely exception of Captain America); and WB is only hoping they can put out a Wonder

I hate that Damon Lindelof is so synonymous with ruined potential. I mean, this looks so interesting and so cool... but how can I really trust it? How can I trust him?

I just can't see it... Just like I can't see anything but a stripper exposing her naked body in this previous World Cup logo...

"This video of a car hitting a dog is not what it seems (you'll love it)"

I'm... just a little confused. (And I also realize this isn't a new article, but it came up on the sidebar, so... I'm here.) This appears to be all based on aggressive actions witnessed at a bar. As we all know, any sexual encounter where one party is drunk is rape (still unsure how it applies when both parties are

Oh, I'm sure Comcast et al. thought of it first... they just realized they would make less money and could screw over their customers less, so like hell were they ever going to offer it.

You know what else is out there? A Wiki of Ice and Fire. And frankly, anyone who hasn't read that, and doesn't know every spoiler for every plot point in Game of Thrones (that gets adapted) is a chump. And if you don't read that before reading the books, you're still a chump. Better hope no one uses that to spoil