
I'm going to very much agree with this post. If you really want to avoid spoilers, it's on you to avoid the internet, people, popular culture, the whole thing until you are caught up. But, I'd like to think most people have the common decency not to project spoilers out in very visible places (like article

Now, now, to be fair, cleavage is a pretty common thing to see shown off in clothing designs, I have never seen shaft-root (clean shaven, no less!) shown off anywhere, ever (though I imagine I could if I went into the right kind of strip club). Also, breasts ≠ penis, in virtually every biological and cultural sense

I pay nothing for TV. It gets shot onto my TV screen for free. How do the content creators get paid if I'm paying them nothing? Well, advertisers pay the creators money to put their ads on the TV that comes onto my screen. The idea being that I'll see those ads and buy those products, thus paying for their ads

Question: does every company who sells a DVR or antenna pay some sort of tribute to the providers?

Sure, sometimes my internet goes down. I usually have to restart the modem every three or four months and then the internet comes back. It's a hassle and it's not 100%, absolutely. But I remember bunny ears as a kid... that shit was lucky to last half an hour without crapping out, and fixing it was a lot trickier

I don't know all the legalese, but there's something about how decisions in American courts can be used as a reference point Canadian courts can use when making their own decisions. If it were to be deemed perfectly legal in the States, that could be used to garner a similar result here in Canada.

Oh no, now I'll have to pay for cable to watch shitty laugh-track sitcoms like Two and a Half Men and The Big Bang Theory?! No, CBS, please don't go to cable!!!

If that's actually how it works (not going to lie, the first time I heard about this Aereo thing was whenever I first saw this article like a half hour ago), then holy shit, Aereo is, like, absolutely entirely legal. It actually is nothing more than a cloud DVR. It should be treated the exact same if you owned a DVR

I pay for the TV I watch on the TV indirectly, by watching ads, which then pay for the content. Torrented shows [I've been told by a shady friend] have all the commercials removed, so I am no long indirectly paying for the content I watch. Aereo keeps the commercials, so I'm still "paying" for what I watch as much

I can watch TV, live, as it airs, on TV. I could watch TV, live, as it airs, over the internet. But I can't watch TV live, as it airs, over the internet, at least not in an indisputably legal way.

If I'm not mistaken, there's another amazing long take near the end of Children of Men. I always hear it cited as the definitive long take (or at least the definitive one from that movie), but I've always preferred the one in the car.

American Airlines handled the situation "flawlessly"?

So... apparently I'm a woman.

I very much doubt that this advice is particularly good, but I do use site specific add-ons to passwords, however I think they are pretty secure because they don't directly or obviously relate to the website (the specific code in my Facebook password has letters, but none are in the name "Facebook"), but there are

I'm... I'm not sure what the "correct" or "good" answer would be for some of these...

I have to say, the headline of "only make right turns" is not as correct as "avoid left turns, to the point of turning right at 90% of turns"...

Unfortunately, after losing the election for head man in his own household, he decided to go back on his word and run for the presidency of his country.

To be fair, why don't we have strawberries as large as apples... or do we? I mean, the prediction of us growing large mutant foods is pretty correct, and since I'm guessing they didn't have much knowledge of genetically modifying food, that was a pretty bold guess that I would give them credit for, even if we may

I don't know, I've known a few Elizabeths my own age, and I've tried to make a point of asking what nicknames they've had, to see if they ever had any of the cool nicknames my grandmothers had (both named Elizabeth, both called Betty)... I have yet to know any called Betty, Bets, or Betsy my own age. So... I'm not

Yeah... she was kind of stone-faced... I like to think that was just a subtle characterization that was present in the book, but that's really hard to justify even to myself. She did get naked, so at least that was enjoyable...