
I am concerned that I have a Huawei phone... luckily, it's a dumbphone I rarely use, so if anyone wants to spy on that, go for it, I'm not important.

I'm pretty sure the family had already dumped AOL by then because it was crap. We obviously started on AOL, but I'm pretty sure by 1999 we had moved to cable internet.

As someone who complained about this post popping up (or was it another one? I'm not sure) back in December 2013, I'm well aware... but you know that when you comment here, it pops up on the sidebar as something recommended by Annalee Newitz, perhaps continuing the cycle of this being confused for current. I don't

WHOA! Sucker Punch was NOT a terrible movie that tricked you into thinking it was awesome. It was a movie everyone expected to be terrible, and while it kind of was, it was also kind of awesome. Anyone who thought that movie would be awesome going in deserved what they probably felt was a terrible movie.

I enjoy that after a year of trying, without ever reaching full implementation, they trashed this redesign, and went with a new, less radical, redesign that they seem to have tested for just a couple weeks (openly, that is). A year!

...Wait, I thought you were Brit and he was Jemayne.

I know "The Signal" is just how you describe how you escape from The Matrix. You won't fool me, Morpheus!

Technically I don't know it with absolute certainty, but it is what I've read, and it doesn't surprise me at all.

Yes, but if there's an accident (whether the driver of your car is at fault or another car), it will be considered an alcohol related accident, and neoprohibitionist groups like MADD will count it among their statistics for accidents caused by drunk drivers even though none of the drivers were drunk, because yeah,

You don't have any "set up a roadblock, stop every car, and check everyone for drinking" set-ups where you live?

I think it's a similar question as to whether you can drink and "drive" (in the passive riding sense) on other forms of transit you don't have to actually drive. And while I'm sure there are some progressive, modern places in, say, Europe, where you can freely drink on a train, I know in my repressed culture of

Gotta love the new Kinja, I can't move the commenting window, so now I have to write about your article from memory, instead of being able to write along side parts of the article I want to discuss... Progress!

Nothing technical because the BBC is definitively not a television network (at least in the conventional, American sense), right? It doesn't air "cable", but that doesn't mean it's a network. BBC One is a channel, not a network (unless, of course, I am very misinformed on this).

Unfortunately I don't know if thingsthataregay.biz is owned by the people involved in Happy Endings or not. Either way, it is not a hilarious blog-type site written by one of the characters on the show, and that disappoints me almost as much as cancelling the show does. It makes no mention of any Hollywood types,

Freaking swell. Not only do we show the aliens exactly which parts are the important bits, but we censor the labels on girlie parts so they'll never be able to find that elusive g-spot!

Callum Keith Rennie would be awesome. Maybe he can play Constantine's Canadian cousin... I'm sure he'll be around, this really feels like a show that'll be shot in Vancouver.

There are going to be spoilers in this, obviously.
Obviously someone who's read the books (or who actually knows how they end) can say with a lot greater info and knowledge than I can, but this show does seem to have a fair amount of turn-over in cast and characters, at least thus far. I imagine this will settle down

I'll admit having a table that allows one of the two people sitting at it to play a mobile game while they both sit waiting for their food is a little sad, I see nothing wrong with inputting your order manually into a touchscreen computer table rather than verbally to a member of the wait-staff.

How possible is this to make at home? Anyone have any real experience? I'm thinking make some sort of cone type cookie in a muffin tray, then put milk in that? I seems no where near as nice as these, but I'm no "tastebud teaser" and "master pastry chef".

That's definitely the part that confused me. You can be photographed if naked in public, but you can if clothed in public, but if you're clothed in public but not wearing underwear it's not allowed but if you're clothed in public and are wearing underwear it's back to no privacy.