
I'm... confused. Iron Man 2 was painfully flawed and therefore quite bad, no one can deny that. But Iron Man 3 was actually really good, one of the better Marvel movies (though considering none(?) are actually terrible and only a few are bad, that may not be saying much). Thor 2, and surprisingly really good, which

You're doing a bit, right? No one's biggest complaint with that movie can be a penis, and they certainly can't spend 4 paragraphs of their 5 paragraph critique on the film talking about that penis. No way, I just have to refuse to believe that.

I'm glad we're in agreement on how confusing this scenario is!

That... seems quite plausible. I shall investigate that possibility, thanks.

No real errors, it just either doesn't detect the wifi at all, or it shows it as having a strength seemingly too low to connect. I just figure it's a case of some computers having shittier wifi receivers than others, I was just offended by how many people jumped to the conclusion that I'm some idiot who doesn't know

Interesting, assuming you've read my earlier, other replies where I explained other devices and computers connect fine, could you provide any reasons in which my wifi would be set incorrectly to disallow some computers by not most from connecting?

No microphone either! I am invincible!!

Meh, what's the worst that could happen?

Conflicting liberties sure is the problem with libertarianism...

I don't know, other laptops that I don't consider mine have worked fine, including one currently sitting right beside my own computer...

I don't know... I can connect to the wifi just fine on mobile devices, tablets, and laptops...

The Hungry Boys' Casserole makes me think of what shepherd's pie might be in some weird, alternate universe.

Rob Heubel is fantastic (that is: Rob Heubel, the actor who plays Dr. Own Maestro, not the actor who plays Rob Heubel playing Dr. Owen Maestro... though he's also pretty great). I also enjoy the works of Just Falcon.

Kind of old news... Don't worry though, it's really easy to avoid: just click on the wifi network that is actually for your house/place of business/whereever you are, do not click on the wifi network that is made up of weird, alien-looking symbols that are almost certainly not standard characters on your computer so

Huzzah! I can finally be happy my last three computers, dating back 8 years, have all been inexplicably unable to connect to wifi despite being advertised as having wifi connectivity! (Seriously Alienware, HP, and HP, what the fuck?!)

Is the ability to discriminate really a basic tenet of liberty? I mean, isn't discrimination just infringement on the liberty of others? So is the liberty to limit the liberty of others truly a libertarian belief? I mean, I get the whole "liberty for everyone, of everything, always!" idea, but isn't there still a

So I think I'm still young enough to consider myself a young male and... I don't know who Erin Andrews is. I mean, I've heard the name, just like I've heard Brooke Burke's name (though I think I watched Wild On as a pre-teen), but neither of those people would get me to watch the show.

There's a pretty big difference between them deciding not to pursue trademarking the word, and them getting brutally smacked down for having the audacity to even try to trademark a very common and generic word.

...Though to be fair, I'd go for marinara or ranch. Both sound pretty good. ...Or gravy, sticking with the poutine style.

Definitely informative, thanks!