
You're making a lot of assumptions, not all of them based in any confirmed fact.

The article was obviously poorly researched as it lacked any mention of the Cylons. I think we all know why humans took a huge evolutionary leap forward about 150,000 years ago.

You know, if you gave me an exorbitant amount of money and told to take care of getting someone(s) to build a building where cost is no object, I think I could come up with some crazy, cool designs too.

Yeah, but like the article said, could you imagine if NYPD were shooting down drones with their guns? No, that would be a bit ridiculous. Likewise, the NYPD shooting protesters was also a bit ridiculous, sure, they beat them, harrassed them, arrested them, and terrorized them, but shoot them? No way.

Mine was actually the exact same one. Because of their reputation for not lasting particularly long, I got an extended warranty from the place that I bought it because I figured there was no way it would last that long, and if it did... maybe it would just happen to "break" right before the warranty was up so I could

While I don't really want to side with Apple... I got an iPod back in 2004 or 2005, before the Zune came out. That iPod lasted me up until last year when it just was not capable of reliably working (still worked, but the battery died before it could play more than a couple songs) and had to be replaced... after the

A rock without Apple computers, obviously! But seriously, it was only introduced 2 years ago? How long has Windows had full screen? Since '95, at least. Apparently I was not under that rock for long at all.

But the epitome of capitalism is monopolies. Capitalism is about making the most money possible, and how can you make more money than by having a monopoly? Yes, there are government regulations to limit monopolistic actions, but that's "government interference" (as some might say) not a component of capitalism.

I didn't think Mac was capable of full-screen mode! I kid, I kid (but seriously, I didn't think they were... but don't use them).

That's the problem with capitalism: corporations spend so much time finding ways for corporations to make more money that they forget about the essential role the consumer plays. Helping your buddies make more money so you make more money is a great plan... unless no one buys into it, then all the plans to make more

They appear to be giving the price in various currencies, and given that my currency is denoted by the $ symbol, I feel it is safe to assume this console will cost me 399 Canadian dollars.

While those buttons aren't all embossed, and that's a good thing, those gradients are hideous. I'm not saying they need to rip off Metro... but there's a reason why that sort of flat design is pleasing to the eye, and this looks like something someone Photoshopped together from a verbal description while working

Canadian law also deems the first season of Californication to be child pornography, so... don't look at us too pleasantly.

I'll take not explaining something over explaining something poorly, yes.

Those income tax rates are roughly what we pay in Canada. Obviously, there's a lot of range when you consider your 50 states versus our provinces and territories, the range present in a progressive tax system, and so on, but it's not far off.

"In Canada only about one in ten of people who contracted the disease died, compared to one in three in the US. ... This makes the difference in the death toll caused by C. gattii in these countries puzzling."

Excluding the first sentence, I very much agree with your final paragraph (and, I think, a lot of the rest, but I didn't want to specifically point that out).

I was always taught that a Trekkie was a fan of the original series, watching it when it originally aired or in syndication during [what I assume were] the dark times when there was no Star Trek on TV for two decades. A Trekker is a fan of The Next Generation (presumably from the time when there was TOS and TNG and

The fact that Khan would appear to be an Indian (despite my comments elsewhere in this whole thing), would make casting Latin actors somewhat dismissable. Yes, Montalban was Mexican, and I certainly figured they were following in that route when they were discussing the casting of Latin actors, but I generally felt

I meant to mention that as well...