
But a $500 digital photo frame with an Apple logo would appeal to a particular snobbish, rich-douche crowd.

It wouldn't reeeeeaaaaaally be the first time drones fired on an American citizen...

I'm sorry, I was distracted by the bo- uh, something. What were you saying?

Oh, I think we all know why the Proboscus Monkey has a big nose... wink wink.

First season, maybe, but I'm inclined to figure the "delay" of the second season had less to do with prop heads, and more to do with the policy of studios or whatever in the US to wait to release the previous season on DVD until a week or two before the new season premieres (which, I feel, is one of the many


THAT'S STEALING! If you copy a car instead of buying it (which obviously, by copying one for free, you are indicating you are able and capable of doing), you are stealing the profits the car company would have made from them! You might as well reach into their pocket and take the money right from them! ...Except

Well when you can get HD video online for free, what is worth $1...

Exactly! I didn't get it until someone pointed it out, and really looked down up on the animation in TCW, and then I read it somewhere and, exactly, it made sense. Now I love it, the characters don't look wooden because of bad CGI, they look wooden, because they're supposed to look like wooden puppets. Totally

I just can't get excited about a movie that almost came out last summer. We got all the trailers, all the press, the date was getting closer and closer, it was coming soon, and then... next year. So now, whenever there's a trailer, I just think "didn't this come out last year?"

So long as it retains the style. I don't so much care if they are actually puppets, but I do care if they look like puppets. You've got to keep the style, or else it'll just look like some Jonathan Frakes-directed terrorfilm. The Clone Wars does a good job of paying homage to the Thunderbirds style, but obviously

Now playing

Oh, it's still airing on October 19th, they just decided to move October 19th to February, because October 19th isn't a date, it's a state of mind. So when Community premieres this Thursday on the seventh of February, that will be October 19th.

That 6 months or so between me getting my MiniDisc player and iPods becoming a thing were great. The next couple years until I got an iPod were pretty horrible. But before that, being able to fit multiple CDs on one tiny thing that wasn't as breakable (and if it did, I had the CD)... that was fantastic. All my

I was thinking "this is awesome!" because I don't care for American football, but even if I wanted to watch for the ads, I can't, because I'm in Canada, so all I get is Canadian ads... and they suck. I don't need to see the same stupid Bell commercial with talking beavers (it's been a while since I watched a Super

This... this seems like an incredible amount of work. I applaud your dedication, but damn, that's a lot.

I was eating chicken wings last night with one hand and no complicated method: I just bit into it and ate it.

They've been StreetViewing businesses for some amount of time. I was pretty shocked when I wanted to StreetView a street(view) in Toronto and somehow ended up inside a store.

So, I just got the Star Trek app (not sure if that's the official name, it only seems linked to this movie), and something I have to do (not sure why, just discovered this thing) is "scan" the teaser trailer with the app (some sort of listen with your device so it registers), I decided to try it with this trailer.

Everything, really. Everything has been getting smaller (unless it's for a larger screen, but even that usually combines with less "bulk"). Phones in general have gotten smaller, laptops. All the iPhones (to my knowledge, at least) have gotten smaller (again, excluding larger screens), iPods, even iPads. The joke

Sad that the Chinese have Game of Thrones season 2 before we do... I mean, I'm sure there were lots of people who wanted to rewatch season 2 somewhere in the 8 or 9 months between it going off the air and two weeks before season 3 starts, but... screw those guys, they will wait (or get things illegally, but... you